I’m a freshman and I haven’t picked a major yet. I am considering biology or environmental science. I do love biology but environmental science is also great. I don’t know which one to choose… Any advice?
What do you want to do after college? Also, consider a double major/major-minor.
No one can determine what major is best. Only you can decide. There are enough courses that overlap with both majors that if you pick Biology and are not happy, then it would be fairly easy to switch to Environmental Science.
I’m currently an environmental science major and at my school, we can choose one “focus”. We can either choose biology, chemistry, geology, urban planning, or technology. I’m on the biology track right now so many of my classes are things like wetland ecology or plant biology. I’m mostly taking bio courses as my major. You could always start as an environmental science major and then see if you can focus your major around biology. I’m not sure how other colleges are, but there should be some way to have a specific focus on your envi sci major.