Biology/Pre Med

<p>Anybody want to share how good the pre med/biology program is at Hofstra.
I know they are opening a medical school soon.</p>

<p>Any comments would be helpful</p>


<p>Hi. That’s cool that you heard about a new medical school coming there.</p>

<p>I’m a physician and do pre-med advising on my site. Though, Hofstra doesn’t make it readily apparant how strong their pre-med program, I was able to look up for you the website to their pre-med/pre-health advising page.</p>

<p>[Post</a> Baccalaureate Premed Student - Pre-Health Advising - Hofstra University](<a href=“]Post”></p>

<p>In addition, I can also tell that they have bachelor’s degrees in physics, not to mention math, biology and chemistry. Therefore, they’ll have solid departments to do your medical school prerequisites in.</p>

<p>Good luck. you can click on my ID to see my website and profile.</p>

<p>Hi z:</p>

<p>I am a professor in the Biology department at Hofstra. The vast majority of our majors are premed. I may be a little biased but I think we have a really good program. Sure, not everyone who initially declares as premed will get into med school in the end but that is because they didn’t have the apititude for med school in the first place. On the other hand, the good students who really apply themselves are well-prepared by their senior year and are very competitive (Good MCAT’s, etc.).</p>

<p>I could point to a lot of pluses but let me just comment on one. The faculty at Hofstra (and in particular the Biology department) are very student-oriented. Students can really get to know individual faculty members who are not averse to giving them advice on careers or extra help for courses. All the student has to do is have the initiative to ask!</p>

<p>If you wish to ask me some more questions by email I will be happy to help you further.</p>


<p>I would like to know about this program. It’s is the perfect location for me to travel instead of going to Manhattan. Been there done that.</p>

<p>I graduated from high school with a degree concentrating in pre-med, but change concentration in undergrad to an area in fine arts.</p>

<p>How is Hofstra’s program compared to Columbia, NYU, Stony Brook, and CUNY Hunter post bacc premedical program. Thanks</p>