Biomedical Engineering at Purdue - How Tough Is it?

<p>I have been hearing horror stories that the Biomed Major is super tough and lots of kids are weeded out...I would not want to go there if I am setting myself up for defeat!! Any advice from current Purdue Biomed Majors or those of you who know some? (HS Senior with 3.933 GPA, 25 ACT (31 Math), 1700 SAT (690 Math), plus taking lots of AP and lots of ECs... just got into Pitt and Mizzou)...</p>

<p>Well even though I’m not a BME or a friend of a BME major, I don’t think you will really know how tough it is until you’re in the program. Why I say this is because some people will study more than others and some people who did well in high school don’t do well in college. IMO, AP classes do NOT prepare you for college instead they give you college credit. Your SAT/ACT score and GPA will mean nothing once you enter college since some students will focus better in their studies than you. Most majors that are academically challenging have classes that try to weed classes out so don’t get scared of the stuff that is ahead of you. Get in the program and see how it is like and if you REALLY cannot handle it then leave. If you don’t want to get in the program because you hear it’s tough then it’s your loss. All you have to do is study well when you’re studying and time manage well while your in college then you will do fine in your academics and social life. </p>

<p>This is just my opinion so believe whatever you want to.</p>

<p>I actually have quite a lot of friends in BME. It’s a hard major, but not impossible.</p>

<p>Thanks for the response.</p>

<p>To EuroBoilerMaker… thanks for that information… do you know of any that dropped out?</p>

<p>I know like two people that went Chemical because of fear of the Biomedical program. But it’s definitely doable. I know a girl who is active in Greek life and plays club soccer in addition to being a BME.</p>

<p>OK - thanks!</p>

<p>note for BME admission doesn’t work like it does for the other engineering schools, there is a special application process/exam after 1st semester.</p>

<p>I would think it is silly, to pick ChemE because it is “easier”. The ChemE program at Purdue is one of our toughest graded engineering schools.</p>