Biomedical engineering...Pitt or Boston U

<p>Huge grant from BU makes this choice in BUs favor economically. PA instate student.
So…which should be the one? What should be considered? One month to choose.</p>

<p>I’m also considering this! ahhh pitt vs boston u for premed</p>

<p>Does anyone have any wisdom to help us sway one way or another?</p>

<p>I am also in the same situation. I am choosing between Rutgers (I’m instate) and BU (huge grant, makes it more affordable) and right now I am 85% towards BU. Personally, I want to branch out of my state and experience different cultures and meet people from all over the world and BU is known for that. I don’t think I can deal with too many Jersey people anymore, lol. Also, BU has a better biomedical eng program (at least according to usnews, if you even want to take that into account). BU and Pitt are both GREAT schools so no matter what you will get an excellent education. You both should reallly go to their open houses, if you haven’t already. I am going to visit BU next week and Rutgers tomorrow, so we will see how that goes. It’s such a tough decision, but we can do it!</p>

<p>Thanks! Hopefully I’ll be able to visit Pitt, though I doubt it :frowning: I’m going to BU’s open house probably the 19th</p>

<p>Hey me too</p>