Birth Control Options at UA

<p>I guess this is a bit of a risque topic, but I figured I should try and be safe. You know, just in case.</p>

<p>So I looked around the SHC’s website, but I couldn’t find much information. I also noticed that the closest Planned Parenthood was in Birmingham… </p>

<p>I know that you can fill prescriptions for the pill on campus, but how much does it cost? I also saw that they had information on other options (the shot, nuva ring, etc.) but everything linked to an outside website so I don’t really understand how it works. Does UA offer those on campus, too? Also, I’m kind of curious about IUDs but I noticed it wasn’t listed, so would that still be a possibility? And does the college provide birth control (pill or otherwise) at lower prices than what you would expect at the doctor’s?
I don’t think that my current insurance will be accepted in college, so if I purchased insurance from the college, would that affect anything?</p>

<p>There are national brand pharmacies (CVS, RiteAid…) that are within a few miles of campus where I’m sure your insurance would be accepted.</p>

<p>But really the only foolproof birth control method out there today is to hang a picture of an auburn cheerleader over your bed. Your daughters boyfriend will be too grossed out to perform, thus no pregnancy.</p>

<p>This is really an insurance question,
if student is covered under parents plan, that stays in effect,
if you get the UA plan it is covered by the plan you chose.</p>

<p>[Student</a> Health Center Forms](<a href=“]Student”>Forms – Student Health Center | The University of Alabama) See insurance area</p>

<p>[Student</a> Health Center - The University of Alabama](<a href=“College of Community Health Sciences – | The University of Alabama”>College of Community Health Sciences – | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>PS; ignore NJBama — his wife does ;></p>

<p>NJ, you crack me up boy!</p>

<p>[Student</a> Health Center Women’s Health](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>Women’s Health</p>

<p>Women’s Health provides routine pelvic exams, pap smears, contraception, treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, and pregnancy testing and counseling.</p>

<p>Beginning September 1st, the Student Health Center will offer women’s health services from our new female OB/GYN physician on Wednesday and Thursday mornings.</p>

<p>If there is something that you’re specifically interested in, you might want to go to your doctor in your hometown, get what you need, and show your doctor at Bama your prescription(s) for future renewals.</p>

<p>yep - i would just get everything in place before you go to college and then all you need to do is fill the script.</p>

<p>NJ, you are too funny! I do need to correct you. The LSU cheerleaders would be the best deterrent.</p>

<p>On a serious note, though, this is a good question. I have a son, but when looking at the information on Catholic colleges he was checking out, I noticed that some of them did make a point of saying that they did not provide contraception counseling or dispensing at their on campus clinics. Since Alabama is a fairly conservative area, I was curious if they had that policy as well, even though it is a public university. </p>

<p>Good for you for being brave enough to ask that question!</p>

<p>As m2ck linked, the SHC should be able to help you. Otherwise, the pharmacy of any national chain (the Rite Aid across the street from the SHC, CVS, Target, etc.) will be more than happy to help you. I do know that several student organizations pass out condoms throughout the year and that Publix has a large selection of brands, styles, etc.</p>

<p>I’m glad that you are thinking everything though and will be prepared. It shows a lot of maturity on your part.</p>

<p>I’m not sure if I’d be able to sleep with a poster of Auburn’s or LSU’s cheerleaders hanging on my wall, but thank you for that suggestion :)</p>

<p>My insurance is apparently a state specific program, and Alabama is not my home state. I’m pretty sure I will no longer be covered, so UA’s insurance seems like the most likely option right now. Although I didn’t see the webpage with the benefits information, so thank you for that.</p>

<p>And I did see that sentence about the contraception, but I thought it was a bit vague. By contraception, does that imply a variety of forms, or perhaps just condoms? And at what cost? I think my largest concern is cost. Surviving on a college student’s budget gives me nightmares sometimes. </p>

<p>Thanks for all your suggestions, I think it might be smart to get a prescription at home first so I’ll look into that. In the meantime, if anyone can provide any more specifics over the birth control options and prices on campus, I’d greatly appreciate it.</p>

<p>Can I nominate NJBama for post of the year?</p>

<p>I would recommend calling or emailing the SHC and asking them what options they offer.</p>

<p>Do you happen to happen a HMO that only covers emergencies while OOS? If that’s the case, see a doctor in your home state each time you go home or consider ordering medication from a reputable pharmacy in Canada. </p>

<p>I remember hearing that there was an episode of Seinfeld that covered this topic.</p>

<p>As for NJBama, in high school I had bookmarked a page that ranked colleges in terms of the hottest [female] student bodies. Alabama was in the top 5, while Auburn was ranked much lower.</p>

<p>By contraception, does that imply a variety of forms,</p>

<p>Since the health center has an OB/GYN she can prescribe any form…pills, IUDs, whatever.</p>

<p>But, if you have insurance issues, go to your Dr in your home state and see if you can get a 6 month supply of whatever you need in Rx or mailorder Rx.</p>

<p>Please don’t think that you can’t get what you need for contraception in a southern state. That just isn’t true.</p>

<p>Sorry notan_oxymoron, should have been more specific, here is the plan link;
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>“the $2,500 maximum applies to
UHPS and SHC combined. Prescriptions dispensed at
the Student Health Center-$10 copay per prescription
for Tier 1 / $25 copay per prescription for Tier 2 / $40
copay per prescription for Tier 3. (Benefit includes oral
contraceptives. Specialty and biological drugs are
covered. Diabetic & insulin drugs are covered.)
Mail order Prescription Drugs through UHPS at 2.5
times the retail copay up to a 90 day supply subject to
the Prescription Drug maximum benefit.”</p>

<p>Specific insurance coverage questions could be answered by the UA Student Health Insurance Office at (205) 348-2158.</p>

It looks like the annual rate is $1419 per year. </p>

<p>however, you need to check to see if your insurance provides EMERGENCY coverage in Alabama for serious stuff (like a broken arm or surgery).</p>

<p>If so, then would probably be cheaper not to get the plan, and just pay “fee for service” when needed.</p>

<p>And…go to the Dr. before you get here…and go again at Christmas time at home.</p>

<p>"I also noticed that the closest Planned Parenthood was in Birmingham… "</p>

<p>Isn’t there a clinic in Tuscaloosa? (If anything, it gives Bama Students for Life something to protest)</p>

<p>Bumping an old topic as it was the only hit on my search for condoms.</p>

<p>I know at many schools we toured, free condoms were available to students and were accessible in the common restrooms. When we toured UA, we only saw the suites and I don’t remember seeing any condoms in any restroom I used at BB (I wasn’t looking for them, either, but they were hard to miss at most schools we toured). I am wondering if there is a place at UA where condoms are available to students. </p>

<p>Before anyone reads too much into this, in reading a deal board I frequent, someone posted a deal on condoms, which got my wondering do I buy some and send them with my kid and totally embarrass him or do I tell him where he can find them on campus and totally embarrass him?</p>

<p>Play it safe. Do both! He’ll get over the embarrassment. He’ll be much more embarrassed to have to “surprise you” if anything.</p>

<p>class2012mom- do you know what size he needs before you purchase?</p>

<p>^^^ That is correct, if your plan covers emergency services in Alabama then use the “pay as you go” formula…it will be much less expensive to visit doctors at home and then pay for the occasional visit to the student health clinic.</p>