<p>Does anyone know how admission to this program works? Do you have to apply or are you invited to apply? Thanks</p>
<p>OOPS. I meant to write, BFS (Benjamin Franklin Scholars)…not BJS</p>
<p>you’re invited into the program - all you need to do is accept. If you don’t get in and still want to be in it, can apply during first year or first semester sophomore year.</p>
<p>What do they look for in terms of inviting people?</p>
<p>*Would we have found out with our ED decisions?</p>
<p>I barely even know anything about this program. Expound.</p>
<p>And the BFS website said you apply for it when you pick your housing ro something like that…</p>
<p>It honestly seems kind of random in terms of how they select people for this. I personally am not in it, but have friends who are. The people who are in it, though, seem to be pretty intelligent. Except for a couple of questionable ones. Regardless, if you’re selected for it, you are probably smart by some measure.</p>
<p>so…not sure I understand. Students are invited or apply? Does this happen when the RD results come in or would someone who got in ED have already been invited? If they all live in the same dorm does this mean a person who is a scholar share a room with someone who is not a scholar? Sorry so many questions but I really don’t understand this program. Thanks</p>