Black Belt Action vs. Alabama Action

I applied for Black Belt Action instead of Alabama Action because I liked the service work that the Black Belt Action does better.
But I read on UA’s website ( things like “Black Belt Experience, the signature Fellows project, creates an opportunity for students to explore the various issues affecting poverty in the Black Belt” and “The University Fellows’ inaugural Black Belt Experience…”.
To me, this seems like it is only for University Fellows. (I was not chosen to be one of the forty University Fellows.) Do you have to be a Fellow to do the Black Belt Action? If so, since there is only thirty spots for Black Belt Action, should I also apply for Alabama Action which has 150 spots to increase my chances of getting at least one?

I think there is more than one thing named Black Belt

Post number 35.
You are applying for Black Belt Action.

^ ^ post 1 & 2 are correct: there used to be just “Black Belt Experience”, and it was for Fellows only. “Black Belt Action” started I 1 or 2 summers ago now.
I would contact UA staff and ask when you might get notification about Black Belt Action, and then you can better make your decision about applying for AA instead.

Just send Honors College an email (or somehow include when you apply to BBA) that your second choice is Alabama Action. That’s what my son did. (He ended up getting his first choice, BBA, and enjoyed the week.)