Black guy. White fraternity

<p>Well I’ll be attending UA next year as a freshmen. I’m thinking about going Greek because of the social experience. I’m African American but I have no interest in joining a predominantly AA frat. This is mainly because I’ve I’ve grown up with mostly white friends and I hunt, fish, mud etc. I certainly don’t act like the usual kid of my race. I’m just curious as to the chances of getting into a mostly white fraternity? I’m not trying to be racist in anyway here.</p>

<p>I think I know what he means. There ARE cultural differences between the races. Why is that so threatening to people? This doesn’t mean that every AA young man has the same culture as another AA man. The same goes for Asians, Whites, etc. </p>

<p>But let’s get real. There are difference in musical tastes, even food choices. </p>

<p>So I applaud this young man for being self aware about HIS cultural preferences. </p>

<p>I would encourage him to consider the Mallet Assembly if he has little luck getting info about frats at UA. I am not familiar with the Greek system like some here are, so I defer to them.</p>

<p>Oh boy. Now you’ve done it. The Greek apologists will be out in full force shortly.</p>

<p>The long and short of the matter is that the Greek system at most large Southern universities, including Alabama, is racist. They won’t admit it, except to each other. You’ll get the usual platitudes about there being several “diverse” organizations (the ones that don’t have million dollar houses). I say this as a card-carrying Southern conservative white male who was once a participant in such activities. A lot of dispicable things are done in the name of “tradition.”</p>

<p>@Slippy-Greek system at most large Southern universities, including Alabama, is racist.
Thanks Slippy I personally experienced it at LSU years back!</p>

<p>On the off chance that this is a serious inquiry, I’ll give it a shot. Yes, there are some UA fraternities that will not pledge an African-American man. But there are number who seek a more diversified membership.</p>

<p>Yes people believe it or not this is a serious thread…</p>

<p>Are you in state or out of state? If in-state, which high school?</p>

<p>Have you registered for recruitment yet? Summer activities will start soon.</p>



<p>In that case I’ll tell you that my son’s fraternity offered a bid to an AA student 2 years ago. He was eager to join but his parents nixed it because of cost. If you’re interested, PM me when you hit 15 posts (the minimum to use the PM function) and I’ll put you in touch with my son.</p>

<p>Alright thank you</p>

<p>My son’s fraternity also has no trouble accepting an AA student. Like malanai said, send me a PM when you can, and I’ll point you in the right direction.</p>

<p>Some of them don’t, but some of them do…the main thing is to get out and meet the guys.</p>

<p>Any help on which ones those might be? It would save a lot of wasted time that could spent rushing other houses</p>

<p>Randohando, probably best not to be saying “Geaux Tigers” when rushing…</p>

<p>Haha definitely not the greatest idea. It’ll just be my little secret</p>

<p>I have not a clue as to which ones, specifically, but it’s not going to be the “old row” groups. Look for the “new row” or newer groups…although a few have been around for many years but are still “new row.”</p>



<p>PM me when you hit 15 posts and I’ll be happy to chat with you. And, given your “Geaux Tigers” reference elsewhere on this forum, I’m certain my good friend, slippy2000, would be happy to speak with you. ;)</p>

<p>I am also going through the same situation this summer, so I have somewhat of an idea of what you mean. I went to a private school in Atlanta, GA and ALL of my friends are looking at predominately white frats and I’m struggling to fit in. What I can tell you is that it never hurts to try- if your friends are going to a rush party, just go with them. I was at a Sigma Chi event just this past weekend and no one cared. Most fraternities will at the very least give you a chance and talk to you before they decide not to give you a bid. So far I’ve been contacted by a few fraternities w/out even reaching out to them (Kappa Sig, Delta Chi, Delta Sig) and have talked to friends in others like ATO and SX that have been pretty reassuring. The only other thing I would say is stay away from KA, the only things I have ever heard about them have been how racist they are and how they have a tradition of harassing the black sorority members outside of their own houses.</p>

<p>Let me just throw this out there. Consider not going Greek at all. Your enjoyment of the college experience does not depend on joining a fraternity or sorority. Some people are so fixated on fitting in with particular groups that they miss the big picture of what college is all about.</p>

<p>I’d also be careful in making generalizations against one house or favorable comments towards others in a public forum.</p>