Black Man/Ivy League?

<p>Ok so I'm gettin to thinking about some colleges (coincidentally at the same time I should be studying for midterms)!... Wanna help me out?</p>

<p>About me:
from Maryland/junior
Black/Legacy (I know, jealous right? haha just kidding)</p>

<p>ok so here goes:</p>

<p>GPA: 3.95 (UW) 4.64 (W)
Rank: 15/331 -- My school has the most competitive kids you will ever meet so in that respect, I guess my school is competitive
PSAT: 222 (79 CR; 70 M; 73 W) -- I love my score!
AP: Government-took the class (5), Human Geography-Self Study (5), Psychology-Self Study (5)</p>

<p>Junior Year Classes:
1) AP Calc AB
2) AP English Land
3) Band (top ensemble, audition only)
4) AP Environmental Science
4) AP World History
5) AP Biology
6) Honors Spanish 4
7) I'm also self-studying European History AP and Art History AP this year
[I'm definitely getting a 4.0 junior year btw based on my midterms/1st/2nd quarter grades, that is unless I get C's over the next two quarters... but i doubt that will happen]</p>

<p>(outstanding ECs):</p>

<p>Junior Statesmen of America (founder/president) awarded national chapter of the month!!
Future Business Leaders of America (MD State officer/school parliamentarian -- heavily involved)
Piano (student at Peabody & played for 10 years)
County Government- (Environmental Sustainability Commission Student Commissioner) personally selected by my county executive to serve on this commission (he actually called me over winter break to tell me!)</p>

<p>School ECs:
Drama (2 supporting roles, lots of plays/musicals)
Band (first chair/wind ensemble - flute)
Student Government (rep to the board of ed)
County-wide student council (health/social issues coordinator -- organizing fundraiser to raise money for Save Darfur Coalitions at every public in the county)
Ecology Club (VP)
Cure club (VP public affairs)
Best Buddies
Tutor for NHS
Member of National Honors Society
Member of the Maryland Technology Honors Society</p>

<li>Selected for a couple prestigious leadership programs in my county</li>
<li>passions lie within the arts (i do lots of art, plays, music)</li>
<li>did Summer@BrownUniversity this summer</li>
<li>I started my own tutoring company (I get paid!)</li>

<p>The LIST(ah!):</p>

<p>Yale (EA/legacy)
Columbia (I'm also applying to columbia-juilliard exchange, but i don't think you can chance me for that just be reading this haha)

<p>And if I feel like it: UPenn, Stanford, MIT (hah! I suck at math.. I would only do this for thrills)</p>

<p>You are in great shape for the Ivys.....but of course you choose the three toughest ones to get into HYP. NYU is a given...UCLA is a toss up since you are out of state...Fordahm is a laugh (prob a safety) Yale, Harvard, Princeton (assuming your SATs will be good i think you have as good a shot as anyone else applying with your scores... also a toss up are you applying to Wharton? Penn CAS i think you have a really good shot as well...</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>nahh, no wharton</p>

<p>If I applied to Penn, I would definitely do CAS (I'm thinking of majoring in Poly Sci, English, Drama, and Music). I don't really like Penn much though; but I'm a legacy there as well so that's why it's on my "if I feel like it list." Not to be conceited, but I just am not that huge of a fan of philly :(</p>


<p>You sound great for Ivys. Being a minority is great, but you also work hard and didn't rely on JUST your ethnicity and legacy, which is really good. Of course Ivys are never for sure with anyone, but you have an amazing chance. Harvard, Yale, Princeton are always never 100% but you have a good shot. Stanford is very competitive but definitely apply, you sound like a good contender. Get amazing SATs and write an a killer essay and you should be into AT LEAST one of these schools. Good Luck!</p>

<p>Gabs, you are truly benevolent; and i am so hoping to get into at least one of them =/</p>

<p>any other takers?</p>

<p>This thread looks familiar.. but with one difference.. ;)</p>


<p>any more?</p>

<p>Great stats I think you have a good shot at the Ivys i don't know about the columbia program though, in at NYU, prob in at UCLA fordham yes a safety</p>

<p>One question how come soo many juniors are taking Calc AB on cc, at least in my school 98% of calc students are seniors including me follow the standard accelerated program, about 4 or 5 are juniors who have skipped a year, and our Calc BC is a half year course which most seniors take who are in AB simultaneously with AB, you guys are smart!</p>

<p>good recs.</p>

<p>rvbball: i don't think it's that i'm any smarter, it's just that our school system accelerates some kids 2 grade levels starting in 4th grade... thus calc AB in 11th grade!</p>

<p>any more?!?!</p>


<p>Calc in 11th is not uncommon (I'm taking BC as a junior). In our school, we even have someone who took multivariable calculus as a sophomore.</p>

<p>To the OP: I don't think you need to worry, you're probably in at all b/c of URM status. GL!</p>

<p>When you take away 2/3 of those ECs and APs, you've got me!</p>

<p>Only i'm asian =(</p>

<p>I think you have a fantastic chance at all your schools. I'm jealous!</p>

<p>hi^_^ wow you're amazing !! you'll get into every school possible 8)</p>

<p>very good chance.</p>

<p>ps: we have the same psat score (but a different breakdown) lol...</p>

<p>wow really! I really dig the 222 because it's the only score of its kind! ....</p>

<p>I mean unless you count 111... but</p>

<p>good luck with your college stuff next year. I think you have good shots. I was jsut curious where in MD your from (PM if you'd like) as i'm from MD and i'd like to know what "competitive" school you speak of</p>

<p>You're black, whoop-dee-doo.</p>

<p>You will definitely be able to get into UPenn.. my sister's African American friend got into UPenn with merely a 1300/1600... she didn't have any outstanding ecs or leadership...</p>