black shoes/sneakers with white socks

<p>this may be a really dumb question, as i know nothing of men's/guys fashion, but do you look like a total dork if you wear black shoes/sneakers with white socks? will girls think youre a total loser for that?</p>

do you look like a total dork if you wear black shoes/sneakers with white socks? will girls think youre a total loser for that?


<p>Yes and double yes.</p>

<p>White socks would kind of clash with darker shoes. They kind of pop out, especially if you wear dark pants with dark shoes. </p>

<p>I don't know what girls would think because they're totally unpredictable. But darker socks are probably safer.</p>

do you look like a total dork if you wear black shoes/sneakers with white socks?


Yes and double yes.


<p>Make that that a triple yes!</p>

<p>quadruple yes.</p>

<p>Hey, <em>I</em> don't think so. I see guys with black pants and white socks & black shoes all the time. No big deal.</p>

<p>Besides, what do YOU care about what anyone thinks? I'd like or not like you anyway, no matter what shoe/sock combo you had on.</p>

<p>Yes, well, you're a parent.</p>

<p>So? I'm still human.</p>

<p>Wh-what ?</p>

<p>We mean to say that teenagers aren't that evolved. We judge for very superficial reasons, hence the question.</p>

<p>Whatever. Fashion faux-pas aren't superficial, they're just awful and need to be pointed out. Everyone knows you're not supposed to wear white, ugly-ass athletic socks with dark shoes, or dress shoes of any type.</p>

<p>Yea, as a friend of mine once said :) Your socks and belt are supposed to match....and since im sure your wearing a dark belt...dark socks are the answer.</p>

<p>i dont understand how teens would care if u wear white socks with black sneakers. i can understand white socks with black dress shoes, in a formal setting, why in an informal setting as well?</p>

<p>btw, do they sell white belts? to go along with white shoes?</p>

<p>Michael Jackson made white socks and black shoes least back in "the day".</p>

<p>not if you're wearing ankle socks</p>

<p>Michael Jackson??? Well, unless you want to look like Michael Jackson ....</p>

<p>No, no black shoes/sneakers with white socks. Definitely not.</p>

<p>I routinely see guys wearing black skate shoes (DC, for example) and white socks.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Although I really can't say that I care what color socks men wear, the length does get to me. I'm a fan of ankle socks when going with shorts, but anything goes with pants I guess. </p>

<p>But then again maybe I'm just picky cause I'm the same way...long socks bother me, I'm a fan of ankle socks.</p>

<p>Then again none of this really matters, it's just one of those peculiar things that I notice.</p>

<p>so i have to be concerned about ankle socks with shorts now? good god, how much fashion do i need to know?! what about long socks that are kinda wrinkled up so that they dont look like ankle socks - do those look really bad with shorts?</p>

<p>White socks and black sneakers are damn fine!</p>

<p>Just dress like Angus Young (ACϟDC) and the rock girls will like you -> [Beat</a> - How To Dress Like… Angus Young](<a href=“]Beat”></p>