Blinn Team - Advice from people who have been through it

Hey everyone, I recently have been offered the Blinn Team Program thru tamu. if you were on blinn team can you give me any advice? how are the classes at blinn or the commute to and from both campuses? i’m bringing my car so maybe that shouldn’t be a problem. Do people judge you if you’re on blinn team? i know this sounds silly but i come from an asian-american family and people just automatically expect so much from me. Is it possible for me to transfer early out of blinn team to tamu in a year? I would like to do the pathway to allied health and with my summer classes and AP credit i would have roughly 18 credit hours out of the 45 blinn and 15 tamu needed to transfer early into tamu.

sigh. being from the top 25% with a 1260 SAT (out of 1600) score, extra curriculars such as being secretary of my high school’s student council, a health science program, my city’s mayor’s youth council, and even starting my own community service project with my lowest grade my junior year being an 86 in AP physics and still being offered blinn team is very discouraging to me honestly any motivation is welcome lol

A good friend of mine’s son is a freshman this year on Blinn Team. He came in with a few AP and Dual Credit courses. Not a ton though. He applied (sorry, I can recall the exact timing) to transfer in the fall and just found out last week he was accepted as a full student to A&M (he completes his second semester this spring). A friend of both of ours has a son who transferred also after one year. Both of these students lived on campus and had a car to drive. It is easy to do. One word of advise is to take 4 hours at A&M, not just one, 3 hour class. It is called a flat tire course. You will take the one, 3 hour required course and then take a one hour course, like archery. That way, if you HAD to drop your 3 hr A&M course, you are technically still enrolled as a Blinn Team Student. Both of these students pledged a fraternity while on Blinn Team.

No one judges you if you are on Blinn Team. Could someone be an idiot and say something crass or belittling? Sure. But stupid people are everywhere in the world. It won’t be the majority or mainstream.
There are a lot of Asian kids and mixed race/Asian kids as well as other races. A lot is expected out of every student at A&M. Not because of your race, but because you were one of the admitted.

One thing I have heard is that advising and registering can be a pain. It is good that you know the course sheet to follow. Stay on top of things you need to do, and if you don’t know, call A&M or Blinn and find out. Be your own advocate. If your major says you must have XYZ math or equivalents, don’t take math PDQ because it is a higher math than XYZ or it’s equivalents. It won’t count and could mess up the sequencing for what you do need to take the next semester (this happened to one of the kids mentioned above).

As a Blinn Team student, you are just as much a student and have access to everything A&M. Don’t poo poo on your own parade. Go and have a great time and college experience.

My youngest daughter just graduated and has been accepted into vet school. She started out on Blinn Team.She would tell you that there is definitely no reason to be ashamed. Work with both the Blinn and the TAMU advisor to make sure you are on the path you want to take. They are very good about making sure you get what you need to transfer in as quickly as you would like. Some students choose to remain the entire 2 years for financial reasons, some don’t. There are many TAMU students taking courses at Blinn, so no one really even knows if you are on Blinn team or not. It’s up to you. My daughter applied for transfer in the Spring of her freshman year and then attended TAMU in the Fall. She was able to take courses in her major at TAMU and core courses at Blinn. It worked out quite well. She was able to do all the activities of a regular TAMU student, and was even in the honors program in her major. Think of it as a stepping stone and not a roadblock. Best of luck!! Gig 'em!

So I just finished the Blinn TEAM program and I’m transferring this fall. You totally can get over to TAMU early if your GPA is high enough for the major you’re applying. But when you apply to transfer early you’re applying as a transfer, not as a TEAM student. The classes at Blinn honestly feels like high school because the classes are like 30 students but it’s good for hard classes because you can talk to your professors easier since there’s not like 150 other students crowding them. Nobody really cares if you’re on Blinn TEAM because they know the school is overcrowded and also, you’re paying cheaper tuition. I’ve had people ask me if they can be on TEAM so they could do the same class but cheaper. Just make sure your classes at Blinn transfer correctly to TAMU.

So I haven’t lived on campus at all but my apartment was on route 12 (its the bus route that goes from TAMU campus to blinn) so if you don’t want to buy a parking pass at both schools I’d say find a place on that route. I lived at University Square by Best Buy and like, obviously its not the most glamorous place but its a good freshman home. They set you up with a roommate if you dont have one, that’s what I did and we became best friends and have been rooming ever since.

Okay so since you want to do allied health I’m assuming you want to do nursing or something like that. That’s what I wanted to do but have since changed my major (lol after taking all the prereqs-kill me). High school stuff is great and all but stuff to get involved with on TAMU campus (bc blinn doesnt really do anything) is the FAN club (future aggie nurses) or there was another one for women going into the medical field. ALSO MAJOR TIP. If you want to just volunteer at a hospital just to see whats up, I volunteered at St. Joseph and you have to apply to it and everything and go to orientation but I got to shadow people in stroke units and nurserys and the emergency room. Like you get assigned to a new place every semester and it looks really good on applications. Plus the nurses will answer any questions you have. You can be in any club you want or join any organization, you just can’t do sports because NCAA says you have to be full time 4 year.

Blinn TEAM isn’t really a big deal to anyone. Like everyone knows you’re doing the exact same stuff just cheaper and honestly, who cares until you start taking classes that actually pertain to what you want to do. Blinn just get old because you have people who are super motivated and then people who are only there because their parents made them. Don’t be discouraged though! I always hated going to the Blinn TEAM meetings with Russell Graves because he always said “Being blinn team doesn’t make you any less of a Aggie student” like, ok yeah dood I wasn’t thinking that anyway but thanks.

Ps. If you haven’t signed up for IMPACT, you should, and for Delta session so then I can be your counselor and help you get even more plugged into your campuses :slight_smile:

You’re gonna love Aggieland!!