Blinn TEAM?

Does anyone have any advice on blinn TEAM? I applied in September and have a 29 ACT with a 23% class rank so I am hoping I get into the university full time, but nervous about the possibility of getting blinn team…any thoughts?

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Both of my daughters attend Texas A&M with the youngest being a freshman. Although both of them were accepted into Texas A&M full time during their freshman year, they both commented that they thought Blinn Team would have been a good option (a better option than they had originally thought) as those students have both A&M classes and Blinn classes. They can participate in Aggie traditions and go the Fish camp, etc. They just take some of their weed out classes in two different places.

Howdy, I just got out of the Blinn TEAM program, and it was actually better than I thought. Taking classes at Blinn, you get the small class rooms, so more time with the Blinn proffs. Many students that are full time A&M actually end up taking some of their courses at Blinn. Also, with Blinn class time comes Blinn tution rate, and it is a lot less than being a full time TAMU student. You also get all the advantages of being a full time TAMU student, especially since you can rush for greek life now. When you complete the Blinn program, it’s just a change of major, and you don’t have to apply, but if you want to transfer early, you have to apply through the transfer application. If you have AP credit coming in, finishing the Blinn TEAM program early is an option. But yeah, I loved it!

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How do you get into Blinn Team…?

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Blinn Team was offered to me. I had to check a box in my application stating that I would be interested in the Blinn Team program. Also, a lot of out of state students,which I am, are offered Blinn Team.

After thinking for awhile, if I’m not offered full admission to the school of engineering, I think I would take the blinn team program for engineering.

@brettkitten coming out of Blinn Team could you have been accepted into COE more specifically PETE?

I’m struggling to figure out if I would take the blinn team program for engineering if I wasn’t offered full admission to the school of engineering… What are your reasons? Why is blinn engineering a good choice?

@BlakeGrhymes‌ I think your thought of accepting an offer for the Blinn Team Engineering Program is a good one. I have graduate and undergraduate Engineering degrees from Texas A&M in College Station, and they have provided me with over 25 years of challenging, fun, and pretty-fairly paid employment. An Engineering degree from A&M is “coveted” in some circles, and certainly respected in most. Any program that will provide you with a path to that Texas A&M Engineering degree I believe is a good one, and I don’t believe you will ever regret the decision.

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In all honesty, I don’t really know how the engineering program works with Blinn Team. I’m assuming that it is patterned after Mays Business Schools Pathway to Business, in which you take certain classes at Blinn and A&M and have to maintain a certain GPA to get automatic acceptance into the program. Once I met the requirements, I just completed a change of major with Mays, which was accounting, and was automatically accepted. The engineering program at Blinn started either this or last year, so I don’t know much about it, but it would be worth looking into if you really want to go to A&M. Like many in the Blinn Team program, I gave up scholarships and being in honors colleges elsewhere because I knew that TAMU was the school for me. I am going to put up a link for Blinn Team-E, and hopefully that will answer more questions regarding engineering and Blinn Team more than I can provide:

I should also add that being put into Blinn Team doesn’t mean that you are less of a student, A&M just didn’t have room for all the highly qualified applicants, mostly because of the 10% rule. Some benefits of the Blinn Team program are you get all of the advantages of being an A&M students, but with a cheaper price tag, as well as the smaller class sizes.

@tamuco2019 I was actually rethinking my decision because I found some useful information. I would say that my goal in mind would be to gain my Texas A&M degree in whatever way possible, the Blinn program is just another path to reach that goal. However I recently found out that students who participate in the Engineering Academy at Blinn are NOT guaranteed a spot in the College of Engineering at TAMU after they complete the program. This left me with the question “how does someone obtain admission to the COE after completing the Blinn program?”

I’m still waiting on a response to my question.

@brettkitten Thanks for the info. @tamuco2019 should look at the info as well.

My son was accepted at Blinn Team for General Studies at the beginning last fall.The office of Engineering Academy offered him that if he would like join the academy program.He joined the program last fall and now he is on second semester on spring 2015 and he just submitted to enter the major for Fall 2015. His hard work was paid off. He will join Computer Engineering on Fall 2015.

Congratulations @Robinhood2015 Nice to see your son’s hard work pay off and to see the Blinn Team approach working out.

I just finished my first year of Blinn TEAM and absolutely LOVED IT. I am also an out of state student, so it was much more reasonable to do Blinn TEAM than pay $27,000 for out-of-state tuition at A&M. The class sizes are much smaller at Blinn which helped me be more engaged in class, attendance is required, and if you do your research on teachers beforehand, you can get some awesome professors. I am also getting my core classes over with and getting As in all of them while my friends at A&M are struggling to keep a C in Math 141. It is also much more common now for Blinn TEAM girls to be accepted into sororities-we’re still more scrutinized, but it’s possible to get into your favorite house. It is a 15-20 minute drive to Blinn depending on where you live, so I suggest loving on the North side of campus and avoiding the traffic caused by the train. I also have friends that are doing the Engineering pathway at Blinn and they did really well even though it’s still very difficult. All of my full A&M friends always say that they wish they could be Blinn TEAM because the classes tend to be much easier than their A&M equivalents. Don’t think it’s “bad” to be in Blinn TEAM because so many people are in it and it’s a very good program if you put in the work and take enough of the transferrable classes. Also, make sure to meet with your TEAM advisors… the Blinn ones are pretty useless… Sorry that this is so long, but I hope it helps!! I have loved Blinn TEAM so far and I’m doing another year of it as an Accounting major. Good luck to all!


I just recently got accepted to blinn team and I would also like to transfer into mays for accounting. What is the possibility of transferring before the two years and would you suggest doing that. Also what is the process of completing the requirements to change major to mays and how difficult was that. And what is the process of it all and how is class availability

@Kp0921 I am not on my computer so I can’t get the link for you but if you will google Blinn admission agreements, tou will find the page for auto admissions into those majors and all of the requirements.

I was just on there and they recently posted a new list of requirements stating that I need to complete all the coursework with a 3.8 average GPA. That seems a little insane to me is this out of my reach? I have got a 29 on my ACT a 1300 on the new SAT and honestly I could have scored higher if I had actually tried. I have also gotten mostly A’s with a few (1-2) B’s throughout high school. I don’t know if I should risk trying to do blinn team with these requirements or if I should go to a different university☹️

Congrats to blinn TEAM! I will highly likely be doing the program as well, trying to go into finance. As a BT student going into Mays, you must maintain a 3.8 in all classes for the 2 years. I recently visited the campus and spoke to the director of blinn team. He said it was almost impossible for Mays to accept BT under the 2 required years. As for acceptance, as long as you get a 3.8, you are automatically accepted into Mays and accounting. If you don’t manage to get the 3.8 GPA, you can still apply, but note that only around 100 students from TAMU, from all different majors, are accepted into Mays (so it will be very competitive applying this way.)