Blinn Team

<p>Has anyone been accepted on the Blinn Team with an SAT score below 1100?
My daughter has an SAT score of 1040 (Read/Math) - I know this is very weak for A&M.<br>
She is in the top 25% of her class 188/825 and has plenty of volunteer hours and leadership. She wrote all 3 essays and has 2 excellent references. I am getting the impression she doesn't even have a chance. :(

<p>Its going to be tough. With low SATs and 23% -</p>

<p>Has she been to any A&M leadership camps for High School kids, been to any of the Prospective Student centers, talked with an A&M Advisor, visited campus on an official campus tour, shown any outstanding interest in A&M? </p>

<p>She might actually look into Blinn College in Bryan, do well, then transfer into A&M, if A&M is where she wants to be.</p>

<p>Thanks for your reply.
Yes, she has done all of the above.
She will go to Blinn College if she does not make Blinn Team.</p>

<p>it does look better if she has a bunch of the ‘checks in the box’ on the A&M interest page of the application. maybe that will be the deciding factor for her -
Any chance to get a ACT test in before the end of the application date? Lots of kids do much better on the ACT than SAT.
Good luck! Keep us posted.</p>

<p>My daughter was admitted to Blinn TEAM last year with a 1050 SAT, top 25% with leadership and EC’s. However, don’t do like she did and wait till the last possible moment to apply.</p>

<p>In the spring, she applied to transfer to A&M full time and was accepted by POLS.</p>

<p>That is good news to hear. We applied early, but I know we won’t hear for awhile…thanks for giving us some hope. Congratulations to your daughter for her hard work and becoming a full-time Aggie.</p>

<p>I have similar stats as your daughter, so let me know if you hear anything</p>


<p>does anyone know aprox how many kids choose consideration for blinn team?</p>

<p>I heard that about 500 are accepted into the BlinnTeam.</p>

<p>Hi! Actually my reading and math combined was 1060 and I was recently accepted into Blinn Team, hope everything goes well!</p>

<p>The 25th percentile is at 1100 so I am pretty sure she will get in…</p>

<p>I had 1170 on SAT. I am in top quarter of my class. Admitted to Blinn TEAM.</p>

<p>What about if you rank in the 2nd Qtr of your class? My son at The Woodlands High School is in the 2nd Q and has an SAT of 1210 math/verbal. He has applied to A&M, but probably has no shot of being accepted. Would love to be offered Blinn Team at this point.</p>