Blinn Teamed

<p>Hello all. Today I finally received a decision from Texas A&M and I was Blinn TEAMed. I am honestly a little surprised with the admission decision, but I think my major (engineering) killed my chances. Now, I've realized I don't want to even go into engineering, but I'm unsure as to what I'd like to pursue. So, now I have a couple questions. First, can I change my major (and yes, I understand this won't reverse A&M's decision)? Second, for anyone who is on/has been on Blinn TEAM I would LOVE to hear about your experience and how long it will take/has taken to fully attend A&M. As of now I'm contemplating attending Blinn TEAM or UT Dallas (and trying to transfer to UT Austin the next year). Any advice is appreciated, I'm really lost. Thanks.</p>

<p>My daughter is currently a freshman on TEAM. She was disappointed at first, but it has not been a bad experience at all. You don’t need to do anything to change your major. On TEAM, they consider you General Studies anyway. It is helpful, though, to have an idea of what you would like, but not required. She in her 2nd semester and applied for Fall admission. She was notified yesterday that she has been accepted. She took basic courses at Blinn (Chem, Govt, Hist, Psyc) and her A&M courses were geared more toward the major she wanted. The freshman Blinn classes are much smaller and the cost is lower. They are still challenging though. She has met many people who are also on TEAM, so you don’t feel alone and out of place.</p>

<p>At the NSC, you will have opportunities to talk to advisors and visit the various colleges to help with your decision. She also took some basic courses this summer so she would have additional transfer hours. If you ultimately want to be an Aggie, it’s a great way to start! </p>

<p>@momma2014 thank you for responding, your reply was very helpful. I do have a few additional questions for you, if you wouldn’t mind. How many hours did your daughter have when she entered TEAM (from over the summer/during high school)? Also, what is her major? When I was talking about changing majors previously, I meant from general engineering to business (maybe), sorry if I wasn’t very clear.</p>

<p><a href=“http://■■■■■■/Ivt7lu”>http://■■■■■■/Ivt7lu&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I just saw this change yesterday. My first choice major was switched from Computer Engineering (EE Track) to General Studies at Blinn TEAM most likely since Engineering has been completely full.</p>

<p>Of course, I see the note at below saying that my major may switch as part of the process, but does this indicate me getting Blinn? Or is this normal for everyone? Furthermore, does that suggest I’ll be admitted into Engineering Academy at Blinn?</p>

<p>@duchess, she entered the Fall 2013 semester with 15 transfer hours. She had 12 from dual credit courses and she took a math class over the summer (3 credit hours). She had some additional hours from AP testing, but those do not count toward transfer hours. She took 16 hours during the fall (10 at Blinn and 6 at TAMU). So, when she applied for transfer for Fall 2014, she had 31 transfer hours which is well over the required 24 for transfer.</p>

<p>Her major will be Animal Science. She would like to attend vet school. During her new student conference, we went to the session for animal science. We also met with the Animal Science advisor to make sure we registered for the classes that would put her on the right path for transfer. </p>

<p>I have a good document that I referred to throughout the year about requirements for transferring. I cannot find it online now, but if you want to email me (<a href=""></a>) I can send you a copy. It is for Spring 2014, but it might still be a good reference. Also, make sure to go ahead and apply to Blinn. It’s easy to do, but required so don’t wait until too late. As soon as you finish high school, send your transcript to both schools. You will need that to register. </p>

<p>@ForwardLooking that’s what happened to me before I was later offered Blinn TEAM, so I’m assuming that’s what’s happening for you too.</p>

<p>Has anybody else been offered the Engineering Academy at Blinn? I guess it’s a new program this year so I haven’t found much information on it.</p>

<p>My sister was rejected from A&M and was Blinn TEAMED. I am surprised and upset that despite having a 2100 SAT score (not bad IMO) and being Top 15% she was outright rejected.</p>

<p>She applied for engineering and business (1 and 2 respectfully). Engineering was 80% full by January but I thought she was a shoe in for business.</p>

<p>Any advice that I can pass on to her because I don’t think she wants to consider Blinn as the A&M rep that she has been communicating with made it seem sub-par.</p>

<p>I don’t know how to edit my comments since much has changed since 2009 but she was Blinn Engineering Academy. never heard of this before…</p>

<p>@duchess choosing your major as engineering has no impact on your admission to the University</p>

<p>My son was admitted to the Engineering Academy at Blinn too. Haven’t found any info on it though. </p>