<p>I’m from California. From a competative public high school. Sends many grads to top schools each year. It would be great if I could get some advice…b/c Im nowhere near as amazing as them. I’m trying to apply to SMG…it would be great if I could get opinions for Northeastern University too. I really want to go to school in Boston…just love the vibe of it!</p>
This is the bad part…:[[[[…I’m just not good at science yet I take hard classes for it…why do I do this to myself. :[</p>
<p>UW 3.25
W: 3.8 something
SAT: 1990 – retook it, hoping to get 2000+
SAT 2’s
Math II: 610 (BLEGH!)
History: 650
Biology E : 650
Hardest classes available at school </p>
School Level
Sculpture Art Award
Business Award
One FBLA National competition award
4 other state/regional ones
National’s competitor 2007, 2008
Leadership Development Institute graduate
Business Achievement Award: Future Level </p>
<p>**Extracurriculars/Community Service **
3 yrs --Dance – been doing it since middle school Jazz, Bellydance, Hip hop
8 years – Chinese School supplemental art/math classes
4 yrs – FBLA Officer (600+ hours of volunteering for this club…I’ve been involved with the CS aspect of FBLA all throughout high school/implemented my own community service events through the club )
2 yrs – CSF
3 yrs – volunteer for my city’s sponsored events/summer camps w/ Kiddies
Run my own jewelry webstore/designed all my graphics/packaging/biz cards, etc
Pageants (is this even worth mentioning…?) </p>
Supplement: cute/pretty great – hook: my love for business started in 2nd grade
Essays: amazing; hook: sophmore year I got reconstructive surgery</p>
<p>Counselor Rec: Pretty good, we had a lovely chitchat
Teacher Recs: one really amazing one I think…my teacher has known me/my family for ages/the other is just a good one</p>
College Credit for US History and Calculus
Female, Asian</p>
<p>Worried about…
Asian status…hahaha as if I can change that
SAT scores
Fluctuating grade trend – I try really hard but sometimes school just gets the better of me</p>
<p>Haha reconstructive surgery as a hook? If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of surgery. As for the chance, I think your GPA is about average, but your SAT scores might set you back a bit. Especially for the school of management, engineering school and others, the average SAT is slightly above the class profile that they list on the website.</p>
<p>I think your extracurricular list is pretty good, and if you can play up your love for business, and the results from it (several awards, have your own jewelry) then you have a good shot.</p>
<p>I just applied ED to SMG for BU, and I got in, so hopefully I’ll see you around if you get in and decide to attend =)</p>
<p>I got into an accident sophmore year and I broke/split several part of my leg. I had to get the bones reconstructed/screwed together so they would meld back together.</p>
<p>Haha no problem. It’s just that the term “reconstructive surgery” is a bit vague, and seeing how you say that you do pageants made me think that reconstructive surgery was a euphemism for something else. Perhaps increasing the size of something on the upper body? =P haha. And I was like, err hook?</p>
<p>But anyways, I think statistically, BU SMG is a bit more selective than the Northeastern Business Co-op program, and I think you have a pretty good chance of getting into Northeastern. </p>
<p>i think you have a pretty decent shot actually, especially if you raise your sat into the 2000+ range. i’m a current sophomore in SMG and it’s pretty amazing, you’ll love it here! i can’t speak for COM because i’m very biased, but there is a very prominent feeling of superiority from SMG students to COM students because we feel like we have alot more work and our courses are generally harder, lol… </p>
<p>when i applied, i had a 3.0 uw/3.8 w, and around 2200ish sat scores, but very very mediocre ECs, recs, and supplement. so yeah, get that SAT score up! the week before i re-took my sats i basically did a practice exam EVERYDAY and i jumped 200 points, haha… so it is possible i also got in with merit scholarship (no finaid tho, booo)</p>
<p>i hope you see you here at SMG soon! i’m going thru core next year so i’ll probably be in the building alot…</p>