Blount program

When can a person apply? Is it binding pending aAcceptance? How hard is it to get into? Sorry for the quick questions but I do not have much time.

I don’t have any direct experience with the program, but I’ll do my best to answer your questions.

First, you can apply as soon as you are accepted to the university. Your student ID (which you’ll get when you’re admitted) is required in order to submit your application to Blount. But since applications for admission to the university are usually decided within a couple of weeks (and are already being processed now), that really wouldn’t delay things for you. As for your admission being binding, it would not be . . . you have until May 1st to decide if you’re attending the university, so I assume it would be the same deadline for notifying Blount.

I don’t know what the turnaround time would be for the Blount application. I also don’t know how difficult it is to get into the program. For those and any other questions you may have, I’d suggest you reach out to the program director, Joe Hornsby. I’m sure he’s be happy to speak with you. You can find his contact information here:

@dodgersmom ok thank you. I was already accepted to UA and honors so I didn’t know if that caused any difficulty with blount.

Difficulty? What do you mean?

@dodgersmom I just meant like maybe you can only be in one program or something like that.

Heck no - you can be in Honors, Blount, and even Computer-Based Honors Program (CBHP) and University Fellows Experience (UFE), all at the same time . . . if you can get admitted to all of them! I know of students in Honors, Blount, and Fellows, and students in Honors, CBHP, and Fellows. So you should absolutely apply for any program you’re interested in!

And, depending on your interests, you may also want to look into the Blackburn Institute, although it does not accept applications until after you’ve begun your studies at UA:

@dodgersmom okay thank you! So I can apply now and it will mean nothing for scholarships, honors etc?

No worries - your scholarships are safe! Good luck with Blount!!!

And get back to us and let us know how soon they make a decision - that would be helpful information for us to have here. :slight_smile:

@dodgersmom wrote

Can you explain how this would work? I thought the CBHP was a minor, and reading through the Blount info, it looks like it is also a minor-so does a kid who does both have two minors?

Also, if they get the Blount, are they guaranteed the Blount housing, or is it still a first-come, first-serve lottery?

@MotherOfDragons Yes, a student can have two majors or two minors, or a combination. I don’t know how many credits are required for Blount but CBH is 20 credits. Just for clarification, some majors do Not require a minor, but a student can still complete a minor.

Uhhh . . . my student has three minors! :smiley:

Regarding housing - here’s what it says on the website:

The Blount Living Learning Center . . . functions as the dormitory for all first year students in the Blount Scholars Program and also houses as many of the upperclass students as is allowed by the number of open residences still available.

@soyunchico, I saw you had a question elsewhere about traditional men’s housing options. Keep in mind that Blount students are expected (required?) to live in Blount Hall.

Ok, forgive me for being a dolt (the girls got all the brains from their dad), but you’re saying my kid could hypothetically do CBHP, Stem to MBA, and blount all at the same time???

Boggles my mind :slight_smile: (I’m evidently easily boggled).

Oh, wait. I’m looking at it more closely and it says “for students of the college of arts and sciences”. I think CS is engineering at UA, so I’m not sure you can mesh the two together?

Yes, a student could do CBHP, STEM to MBA, and Blount all at the same time.

CBHP and Blount do not conflict - there are plenty of Arts & Sciences students in CBHP. But if your student is majoring in CS, then s/he would not be eligible for Blount unless s/he was also doing a second, non-engineering major.

Not applying, but I when I visited I spoke to the Blount director and he said that they do allow engineering/cs majors in the program. It is not intended for them but they make exceptions.

Yes, I know of at least two engineers in Blount.

Just a heads up, prepare to write if you’re in Blount. At least a paper, if not two, a week. Some of my Blount friends absolutely love the program, especially the small, close, and tight-knit community it creates within a big school. For others, they’re not in love with the amount of writing they need to do.

@ihtanh98 you’re a CS major, how do you feel the Blount program matches up with that?

@MotherOfDragons Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding. I am not in the Blount program. I just happen to have some friends in Blount, and I speak on behalf of their experiences.

FYI: The Blount Undergraduate Initiative is now called the Blount Scholars Program.

And, yes, expect to write a lot since the “goal of the academic program is to help students learn to analyze, write, and speak effectively.”

@MotherOfDragons, there’s a video at that link you might want to watch.