Blount Scholars Program

My son recently received a letter about the Blount Scholars Program. We don’t really know anything about this program except what we have read on their website. How is it same/different than the University Fellows Experience? Does anyone have any experience with this program? thanks

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My son had an interview a few weeks ago. It seems like an AWESOME program. One of the things I think is best is the heavy focus on writing, particularly on persuasive writing. A student told us that they get tons of help with learning to write well, and the Director told us if they are already good writers they’ll turn the kids into “monsters”. If you are not a great writer, they’ll make you one.

The kids all live in a dorm together, and they seem to love it - a great community with common areas and they hang out together. There are even classrooms in the dorm. They also have speakers come speak, and a coupla years ago they had Bill Nye! Sounds like top professors involved, and I was really impressed with the director. They take about 100 kids/year.

The students end up with a Liberal Arts minor.

Did you find it on the website?

Also, there is a vimeo video about it you should watch.

The program doesn’t cost anything, and isn’t associated with scholarships (although there are a very few very small (like I think $1000 or less) scholarships.

I believe the deadline to apply was December 15th

I’m currently a freshman in Blount this year. Inbox me if you have application or program questions! Also, the deadline, is listed as December 15th, but in reality, it’s a rolling app. I didn’t interview until May and was still able to enroll.

Thank you so much…that is very kind of you. I will see if my son is interested. I would like him to do something extra beyond the honors program but he just wants to be an “average freshman”. Not sure he wants to live in a special dorm.

@worriedmommaof2, Blount is the liberal arts living-learning community, and the curriculum, for that reason, is writing intensive. If that’s not your son’s thing, I wouldn’t push him in that direction. Regular honors students do live in Blount Hall, so you can kind of get the best of both worlds in that regard. My son is in engineering, but he loved living there. He liked living with liberal arts students - but he wasn’t interested in a “techy” living experience either.

My DD had an interview in early Feb for Blount Scholars and was told she would hear in about two weeks. Has anyone heard for 2018 - I am not sure if this is a rolling admission or all accepted after interviews (hers was a group Skype interview). Any information is appreciated.

I’m in the Blount program as a freshman, we’ve sent out a round of acceptances to those who interviewed in January. your daughter hear back soon. if not, just reach out to whiting!

My son’s first acceptance letter got hung up in the mail somehow. I think it was postmarked February 7th and didn’t arrive until about the 20th. Meanwhile they send us a second one after we asked about it. If you log into DegreeWorks apparently they add Blount to your profile or whatever - where it says your major, college, etc. So you might check that if you haven’t received a leatter.

@uastudent07 will we also hear if not accepted?

Thank you. My DD interviewed around Feb. 9 for Blount and hasn’t heard from Mr. Whiting. She did get accepted to Honors Program two weeks ago, which is great. I expect she will email him today.

when did you DS interview for Blount? I’m trying to judge when she should hear.

My son interviewed 2.5 weeks ago and his letter came in the mail today.

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My DD’s came in the mail today, too.

@collegeshopping - What day was the interview? My son interviewed on Sunday, the 11th, and hasn’t heard back.

@Windows16 his interview was on Feb 16 and the letter was dated March 2

Thanks - He got his acceptance letter yesterday.