Blount Undergraduate Initiative/Mallet Assembly

Hi all, I have a quick question. My son is very interested in the Blount Undergraduate Initiative, during an earlier phase of our college search process he was interested in liberal arts colleges. We received a packet from Blount that states that during the first year, Blount Scholars are required to stay at the Blount Living Learning Community.

My son also thinks that he might be interested in the Mallet Assembly. So the question I have is this. Do you have to stay at Palmer Hall to participate in the Mallet Assembly? If so, I guess he could not join Mallet until after his first year because he is most likely going to apply to Blount.

Thanks in advance for any responses.

You can absolutely participate in Mallet as a freshman while living in Blount. I have to say that while I shouldn’t play favorites, the Blount community is just plain awesome. This is a very cool place to live, especially as a first-year student. After that, Blount participants are not required to live in the building, so your student could move to Mallet as a sophomore.

Hope this helps,

Thanks @UAHousing (Janine) my son is really excited about the prospects of participating in Blount. Am I correct in my belief that the Blount dorm rooms are more traditional double occupancy rather than the suites in the Honors dormitories? We’d prefer the more traditional collegiate experience of double occupancy rooms.

UPDATE: just found the floor plan on UA’s website, so please disregard the message above. Thanks again Janine.

It’d be kind of difficult to live in Palmer Hall as the building was demolished last summer. Mallet is now located in the Highlands.

Mallet does not require one to live in the Highlands, though some incoming freshmen have decided to live in Mallet housing all year or move there during the year. It’s difficult to compare Mallet and Blount; both have lots of very intelligent members, but are different in their approach to required classes.

@SEA_tide I did not realize that Mallet has its own required classes. I know that Blount has interdisciplinary courses (which is one of the main attractions for my son). Can you give me a general description of the type of courses Mallet requires its members to take?

Mallet has no required classes. There are occasional Assembly meetings one should attend, but in general the value of Mallet is interacting with and learning from other Malleteers.

Fatherof2Boys, yes it’s more traditional, but more of a hybrid than what we call traditional-style on this campus. Two double-occupancy bedrooms share a bathroom in Blount, which means they are responsible for cleaning their own bathrooms.

Faculty-in-Residence Cornelius Carter has a lot of interaction with the Blount residents, and there’s lots of common space for students to hang out away from their own bedrooms.

Hope this helps,

Regardless of what he chooses this year, most students live off campus the next three years.