<p>So I was doing some practice CR problems from the Blue Book, and on page 84, #27 (I won't copy the passage due to copyright issues), the answer key says the answer is C, and I put down D. Can anyone with the book explain to me why it's C and not D? Note, this is not part of the practice tests, so the explanations aren't online.</p>
<p>I made the exact mistake, would love to hear the reasoning behind the answer C.</p>
<p>bump 10char</p>
<p>anybody else help out with this one - this is a good question…?</p>
<p>It is C because the author says that luck is something that happens out of chance. In contrast, the author explains that a scientific discovery is NOT luck because the scientist is deliberately putting themselves in the way of success by researching, experimenting, etc. For scientists, the decision is intentional, not accidental. In this way, scientists are like lottery winners. It can’t be D because the author does not say that those who rely on luck are not successful. In fact, the author implies the opposite in the 2nd paragraph. Hope this helps.</p>