Bluebooks, Scan-tron Bubble Sheets

<p>When taking tests, final exams, and midterms, do most professors use bubble-sheets for scan-trons and bluebooks or do the TAs grade the exams by hand? Just curious since I will be taking 2 intro classes where I believe about 500 people are in the lecture. Sorry if it is a bit of a stupid, random question. I am transferring to UW as a sophomore. At my previous school, TAs always graded by hand. Again sorry if it is a bit of a weird question.</p>

<p>Thanks again.</p>

<p>If there are multiple choice questions on the tests then they will most likely be scantron, graded by machine. That is especially true if there are 500 students in your class. If there are written portions then the TA’s will grade it by hand.</p>