BME Major

<p>I've been accepted to UM's college of engineering for the Biomedical Engineering program, and I think I might do a premed track in that major. How is Miami's BME Program? What do students do after graduation? If they don't go to grad school, are they getting jobs? If so, how much are they making? How does UM help them get jobs/internships during the undergrad years or after graduation?</p>

<p>plainpat~I think you need to contact the Engineering department to get your questions answered. My son (also BME) and I were there last week and they answered some of your questions. They believe in paid internships during school, plus there are lots of opportunities to work as a research assistant to the grad students and professors. I also know they said that as undergrads you will be working directly with some of the doctors at their medical center. For the stats of those not going to grad school, you need to contact them. They were very friendly and helpful.</p>

<p>Please come back after you decide. Would be great for my DS to connect with other BME’s before Fall…</p>

<p>I had a friend who did BME and was Pre-med at um. it’s basically one of the hardest majors plus the rigor of premed courses. At the end of the day it won’t be very good to your GPA.</p>

<p>I think that bme is a tough major regardless of where you go. Of course, it’s going to require a lot of hard work and dedication, but I feel it’s attainable if the person really wants it. A person who chooses bme with a concentration in pre-med will have two viable career options as well. Just curious…what is your friend who was bme/pre-med doing now?</p>

<p>My ds just chose UM this morning in BME!</p>