Boarding School: Chance me

I usually don’t reply to Chance Me threads beyond pointing to this post that I created:

HOWEVER in your case I wanted to weigh in to specifically say that I find your profile interesting and compelling. And, though FA for international applicants is unusual, I think you may be the kind of person for which a school finds a way.

VERY happy to hear that you’re in touch with the coaches. That seems like one of your best bets for internal advocacy.

All of that said, PLEASE heed the advice in my post and apply to more schools. Specifically, ones with meaningfully higher admit rates. There are MANY wonderful BS here where you’d have a great experience, and have meaningfully better chances at admission. Which is not to say that you have no shot on your list. You do.

But said/asked another way: how will you feel on M10 if you have no BS options? If you’re ok with whatever Plan B is at that time (presumably staying in your current school), then maybe that’s that. But even then, honestly, I’d still add more schools…

Good luck to you! You seem like you’d be a great addition to any BS community.