Boise St

<p>I know everyone says this but we really should have won if not for the ridiculous first quarter.</p>

<p>Woulda shoulda coulda</p>

<p>It was an amazing game though!</p>

<p>Tech should feel good about themselves due to the fact that they came back from the deficit, PLUS, Boise is not Coastal Carolina.</p>

<p>If the game had ended 2 minutes earlier they would have had a win! Again…woulda coulda shoulda</p>

<p>Whatever makes the BCS get shaken up a bit…</p>

<p>I would love to see the BCS change, but I think my grandchildren will be attending college before they change :(</p>

<p>OMG I heard people shoutin this ALL night long. And yeah it sucks that we lost but lets face it… boise simply was better than we were. 1st quarter as a prime example.</p>

<p>@LAConfedential: Word.</p>

<p>@GoOakland: Yeah same, our prideful school chanting at Dietrick :), and I walked to lab the next morning with my head down. Anyway, I don’t think 1st quarter was a prime example, that was just us choking without momentum. Throughout the rest of the game it wasn’t that Boise was slipping, it was that we were getting on our normal groove. Boise was playing just the same. As usual, we always start off slow and that is what the 1st quarter shows a prime example of.</p>

<p>Oh well - I don’t see BSU contending on America’s Got Talent. ;)</p>

<p>Everyone better be tuning into NBC and voting for our fellow comrades, Fighting Gravity, right now!</p>

<p>Yes! Fightin Gravity is AMAZING. ANNNNNNDDDD, they’re engineering students.</p>

<p>As a huge football fan, I didn’t catch the entire game but there were at least two questionable calls by the refs on the last two drives. VT should not have been charged with a late hit. Boise should have been called on pass interference on VT’s last drive.
Sometimes it goes your way, sometimes it doesn’t, but man was that frustrating!!</p>

<p>VT will still win the ACC and go to the Orange Bowl</p>

<p>I agree that late hit was BS as far as I could tell and that really hurt them due to the size of the penalty.</p>

<p>Especially since they picked up the flag for the block in the back by Boise State during the punt return!!</p>

<p>Doesn’t matter you could even beat JMU! </p>

<p>@GoOakland: If you walked with your down after loosing to #3 Boise State, I think you are going to kill yourself after the JMU game.</p>

<p>yeah I pretty much gave up on the season now. I mean Im ****ed we lost against boise state but they were ranked higher and the favorites. So I’m not tooooo worried about that one, but losing to JMU… ultimate ■■■.</p>