Bonus Dining plan meals?

<p>I seem to recall a thread on there being bonus meals foor the fall semester when you sign up for a dining plan. Something like 6 bonus meals per plan but now that we are ready to sign up I can’t find anything on it. Can anyone help me? Thanks!</p>

<p>Here is the link with the info
[Bama</a> Dining - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Bama”></p>

<p>My old eyes are having trouble reading the fine print. Can one of the CC eagle eyes help an old lady out? And by retail, do the mean Subway and the like?</p>

<p>This includes an explanation and more details. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The bonus meal numbers are Bama 55 meals get 8 , Bronze 90 gets 12, Silver 160 gets 16 and all access gets 24 additional meals.

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>I can never understand why the bigger the plan you get the more it ends up costing per meal, even with the BOGOs.</p>

<p>I am very confused. My s is living off campus and has no desire to cook. He has asked me to get him a meal plan and he could eat while he is on campus. last year he was on the unlimited meal so I could not track his eating in the dining halls. I do know he spent meals either in the campus center or out with friends. The Bronze plan gives you 90 meals per semester and I understand that unused meals get rolled into the spring semester. Reading all the rules I understand that you can upgrade once a semester but not downgrade without a penalty fee. And you can upgrade once a semester. Can anyone offer advice if the bronze meal plan is a good idea? The lower plan only has 55 meals and I think that is too little. To make my decision worse, he is thinking of pledging a fraternity. i think there is downgrading allowed if this happens??</p>

<p>The downgrading of meal plans for students likely only applies to freshmen who are required to purchase a meal plan.</p>

<p>If he plans to just eat lunch on campus, I would just suggest that he uses dining dollars. The extra Lunch at the dining halls costs $9.00 tax included and is $5.45 every other Friday. Several restaurants on the Strip have lunch specials for around $6.00. As I was in the business school, it often took me less time to walk to the Strip for lunch than it did to walk to a dining hall. $5 burrito Mondays at Moe’s are a great deal, especially when combined with coupons and their frequent diner program. Tut’s and the Publix deli are also extremely popular for lunch. </p>

<p>Those I know who lived off campus or were upperclassmen living on campus generally purchased the 55-meal plan or didn’t purchase one at all.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that one can add a meal plan throughout the year. If added after ones schedule is confirmed, payment isn’t due until October and with credit card grace periods, could be stretched into November.</p>

<p>I actually emailed dining services to see if they knew how many times my son swiped his card for meals and they told me 275 for the year. Now I’m not being a nosey parent, I just don’t want to pay for more than he’ll use. Why would you? That was with the unlimited freshman plan. I’m guessing that some of those swipes may have been for a snack or something. I think he’d rather eat at Fresh Foods so we are rethinking which plan to get him.</p>

<p>The Bronze plan worked fine for my boys once they were beyond frosh year. Only one time did I have to buy more meals…Bama offered (and may still do) an extra plan that you could buy to add on 10 or 20 more meals if your child was running out at the end of a semester. It was something like Thrify 10 or Thrifty 20 or something like that.</p>

<p>if he pledges a fraternity they switch them to Greek55- that’s what we were told at BB</p>

<p>It looks like the Bonus meals only apply to upperclassmen.</p>

<p>Can you see how many meals a student ate last year on mybama or do you have to call to find out that information?</p>

<p>Call to find out.</p>

<p>The woman I talked with who was very helpful was “Elizabeth” in Dining Services, Lakeside Dining complex. She can look up the total # of times your students have swiped on campus.
Link for info: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I emailed dining services and they emailed back the info. You need to put his CWID number in the email.</p>

<p>Proudmama3 - Thanks for letting us know about emailing Bama dining to find out how often our student visited the dining halls last year. It only took one hour for Elizabeth to respond to my request. :)</p>

<p>SEA_tide referenced the prices for the extra lunch and every other Friday lunch special in a earlier post. What does it cost for a dinner using Bama Cash or Dining Dollars at one of the all you can eat venues? And is the price of eating lunch at one of the all you can eats considered a $9 extra lunch? Or is that something different? (I can’t seem to find this information on the website)</p>