Book confusion!

<p>So i was on PASS, and the El Corral bookstore website looking for the required books for my class and i have no clue what they mean…</p>

<p>For example, ECON 201 Section 02</p>

<p>requires 4 books?</p>

<p>Author: OSULLIVAN
CHOOSE 1 OF 2</p>

<p>Author: OSULLIVAN
CHOOSE 1 OF 2</p>

<p>Author: WORTH
CHOOSE 1 OF 2</p>

CHOOSE 1 OF 2</p>

<p>But it says choose 1 of 2? and also do i have to buy all 4? i’m so lost… cause all 4 books is over 300 bucks… does anyone know what this means?</p>

<p>choose 1 of 2? when there are 4 books listed as required?..</p>

<p>THANKS again</p>

<p>That is why for this first quarter, my son just signed up with the Bookstore and they will do the shopping for him. It is confusing and I hope some experienced students help out here. It will likely be more expensive, but they will make buy back easy for this first time. He can decide if he wants to shop around next quarter. </p>

<p>You can also call the bookstore maybe?</p>

<p>I’ve cut my book’s prices in a third by using ebay/amazon. I really suggest this route. </p>

<p>Anyways, here’s an email i received about this in regards to the Calculus book.</p>

<p>I would buy Survey of Econ, the iclicker definitely, maybe the webclicker? </p>

<p>----- Forwarded Message -----
From: “Don Rawlings” <a href=“”></a>
To: “Maureen Z. Rosenberg” <a href=“”></a>
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 10:14:55 AM
Subject: Textbook for the Calculus Sequence (Math 141,142,143, and 241)</p>

<p>The “Book” icon for our calculus sequence on PASS is causing some
confusion. It says that 2 texts are required for Math 141,142, 143, and
241. When opened, the the Book icon reads as follows: </p>

<p>2 Required Books</p>

Author: STEWART Edition/Year: 6TH 09
ISBN#: 9781111487713 Retail Price: $147.25
CHOOSE 1 OF 2</p>

Author: STEWART Edition/Year: 6TH 09
ISBN#: 9781424075089 Retail Price: $147.25</p>

<p>The phrase “choose 1 of 2” further confuses matters. </p>

<p>ONLY ONE TEXT IS REQUIRED for Math 141,142, 143, and 241. It’s full
title is </p>

<p>“Calculus with Selected Classics Problem Sets” (Calculus Classics
Edition, 6th edition).</p>

<p>Moreover, relative to NEW texts, the Cal Poly bookstore only carries
the first “choice” above,

<p>At the Cal Poly bookstore, the only real choice is between purchasing a
new or used text. The difference is that a new calculus text comes
bundled with WebAssign (an online homework system). The used text,
which comes without WebAssign, is priced at $110.50.</p>

<p>Buying a used copy without WebAssign will not be a problem. In the
event that an instructor wishes to use WebAssign, some way of
accommodating those without WebAssign will have to be determined. </p>

<p>If you purchase the text elsewhere, be sure to get the correct version
of the 6th edition…pay attention to the ISBN numbers.</p>


<p>Dr. Don Rawlings, Chair and Professor
Mathematics Department
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, California 93407
805-756-2519 Fax: 805-756-6537
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>I’ve been trying to find all my books on Amazon and ebay, but it seems as though no carrier has any books with the ISBN numbers that I’ve been given. Is that a common problem, and does that then leave me with no choice but to get them from the bookstore at Cal Poly?</p>

<p>i was trying to get books at other places and what it seems like I found is that the ISBN and the books that Cal Poly wants us to get are the newest edition, therefore no one is trying to resell them, which is really convenient for those of us not wanting to spend that much money on textbooks. I ended up reserving mine at the bookstore for first quarter and i figure i’ll just try to find them other places (for future quarters) once I get a handle on the whole college thing</p>

<p>Where are you finding the ISBN numbers on the El Corral site? All we can find are the authors/titles without even any edition numbers. Ordering from another site is iffy without the proper ISBN codes. And the only option for all the required books is new, not used, which makes it very expensive.</p>

<p>All of the ISBN numbers are shown when you click on the required books links for the classes within PASS. You just have to make sure its the right class with the right section.</p>

<p>For 201 you need survey of economics and an iClicker as well as a whole mess of other stuff Villegas will tell you about in class and you can’t get from the book store (his course notes, a subscription to Aplia). It’s a really expensive class.</p>

<p>My son is in his class this quarter and it is the only one he is not looking forward to. The expense and the boredom we have heard about. I just told him to get it over with now. Professors should have some type of limit as to what they require, especially in these economic times.</p>

<p>^^^ Same here. My daughter will be in that class and probably just the fact that she’ll be *over *it in 10 weeks will be her only saving grace.</p>

<p>This email is so helpful. Thank you!</p>

It’s two years old, though. :-)</p>

<p>My daughters got textbook listings from the El Corral Bookstore website, emailed their professors to get clarification on which versions were really required (their professors were very responsive and usually recommended the most economical options), and we ordered most of the books from Amazon (we have Amazon Prime with free shipping!) They also plan to purchase a study aid and a custom-tailored text from El Corral this week, and should have all their materials by the first day of class. Good luck to everyone this quarter!</p>

<p>I just found out that they changed the name of El Corral Bookstore to “University Store”. Seems vague. I wish they would have at least named it “University Books and More”.</p>