Books - isbn confusion

<p>I went onto the Tech bookstore to get my books - Each book is listed with an ISBN number. I then went to amazon, chegg and bigwords and all say that the ISBN numbers are not matching with anything they have. How do I order books from somewhere other than the bookstore? Help!</p>

<p>Did you try searching for the books by their title instead of their ISBN?</p>

<p>What books are you trying to buy? Some books (like the freshman engineering book, chemistry lab manual, etc.) are only available at VT.</p>

<p>Chemistry, Microeconomics, English and Calculus. English says custom booklet and Calc says looseleaf so i’m guessing these are Tech specific but Chem and Econ?</p>

<p>Dont really know about Econ, but there is a custom book combination or something. Like the textbook comes with some other stuff, and you can’t find it online.</p>

<p>Chemistry is a package. You can find the lecture book online using the author/title, but maybe not the other stuff that comes with it. I believe it’s the solutions manual and some type of software/access code. I didn’t take Gen Chem, so I’m not sure, but that’s what I’ve heard. Anyway, if you look on amazon for the Chemistry book, it seems like it’s more expensive than buying the package from the bookstore.</p>

<p>Also, with renting, be careful when you rent for classes that go for two semesters, like Chemistry. You’ll have to pay for the rental for both semesters, which isn’t smart.</p>

<p>Take Trivedi for Chemistry, don’t buy the book.</p>