<p>tulane ranks high on my list</p>
<p>RPI, Case Western Reserve, and Rose-Hulman come instantly to mind.</p>
<p>Anything with Iowa, Idaho, etc. in the name.</p>
<p>The name “Tufts” evokes less than exciting mental images</p>
<p>Wyoming would be high up there. Maybe U of Alaska? IDK</p>
<p>I’ve always thought Swarthmore sounded a bit dreary…</p>
<p>Case Western definitely ranks up there, as well haha</p>
<p>but…the reigning champion: The United States Military Academy!</p>
<p>RAWR! THE HORROR!!! lolz</p>
<p>in before ivy league.</p>
<p>what are you guys talking about, the worst-sounding school ever is Temple university. Disgusting. And the website’s pretty gross too, you see a picture of construction on its homepage (changes), and the pale-red makes you wanna puke [Temple</a> University](<a href=“http://www.temple.edu%5DTemple”>http://www.temple.edu)</p>
<p>anything to do with Midwest states</p>
i iz applying to two of dem :[<br>
negs on recharge</p>
<p>And I do agree, Tufts sounds utterly reprehensible, sounds like a stupid gum of horrible flavor, or like a Waffle Company by Eggo that made a new morning delight with Tufts Waffles with Cream Cheese. Gross!</p>
<p>Brown University.</p>
<p>Tufts and Brown are good examples. But I think the worst is:</p>
<p>Ursinus University.</p>
<p>drexel sounds bad and skidmore too!</p>
<p>Yeah I forgot about Drexel…gross…although I do think DePaul Univ. sounds funky too, along with Hofstra. weird.</p>
<p>but i think the ultimate hate goes to University of Phoenix, just because they are a stupid online university, and I hate online universities with a passion. Even the name sounds technical or annoying, University of Fee-nix. Gosh get rid of it now.</p>
<p>another horrific one: Drake. Look like Duke decided to poo out and name its feces something.</p>
<p>Another semi-crappy: Akron</p>
<p>Disregard all previous posts. The WINNER of this thread for scariest University name goes to Hamline University.</p>
<p>hamline? in the US? depaul and depauw always confuses me</p>
<p>Bob Jones University.
Adding the first name makes the school sound a lot less prestigious IMO.</p>
<p>Eliminating the “Jones” would make it sound even worse!</p>
<p>^^ You would seriously not believe the Bob Jones Univ. T-shirts my friend bought all of us from their closeout store. BJU…, we had a ball with that (so to speak)</p>
<p>and on that note -
Ball State? Maybe not boring but just plain strange name…</p>