I am trying to figure out my last reach school. I have narrowed down my options to Boston College, Brandeis University, Tufts University, and Harvard University. I am a Washington state high school student (of color, if that matters) with a GPA of 3.6 (unweighted) and 3.4 (weighted). Also my SAT scores are 1060 and 1100. My SAT Essay score was 18/24. I realize my scores and GPA are not exactly Harvard or Tufts or maybe even Brandeis or Boston College material, but that is why I am calling for help. I really liked Harvard University when I visited their campus. Tufts University I thought was pretty nice, but I liked Harvard a little more. I did not visit Brandeis, but it seems more suburban than the other schools. Boston College just sort of gave me a “all right” feel when visiting their campus. If it helps as a reference at all, I really like Boston University. Boston University is my favorite school on my college list. I like more of a urban campus but I am open minded to a more suburban campus. I am undecided but I am possibly interested in archaeology, pre-law, marine biology, acting, or maybe international affairs. I realize this is a broad spectrum. I also realize that each school has strengths and weaknesses for undergraduate programs compared to each other when it comes to my choices. I realize the chance of me getting into Harvard or Tufts is close to nill but I am willing to apply just for fun to see, if there might be the slightest chance. I need some help finding which school is the best match for me to apply. I appreciate anybody’s help and time spent!
First of all, you listed your uw gpa as higher than your weighted one. Was that a mistake? But even ignoring that discrepancy, all of those schools are high reaches for you with your gpa and SAT scores. You need to be more realistic. There are hundreds of excellent colleges across the country that would be happy to take you. Also, how much are you able to pay?
I don’t mean to be discouraging but don’t waste your time applying to Harvard - your chances are not close to nil, they are nil. Tufts as well. Boston College, Brandeis are also high reaches but you could apply to them. You need to focus on schools that are within range. There are many excellent colleges that you could apply to.
BC, Brandeis and Tufts are probably pretty even overall. Tufts is the most selective of the three, but BC and Brandeis probably enjoy an advantage in academic rep. Though on that count, each school has its strengths. They’re all fine schools and you should decide among them based on fit.
You have a better chance of getting into one of those three than you have of getting into Harvard.
@prezbucky A school doesn’t have to be an ivy to be selective. Harvard is not happening, obviously, but neither is Tufts. The other 2 are high reaches, but they are certainly not within their range. @iandicollege at this point, kid, Harvard and Tufts are not “reaches”, they are long lost dreams. Just the truth. If you have circumstances that explain your weak stats, or EXCEPTIONAL essays/recommendations and “hooks,” then you MIGHT get into BC or Brandeis, but don’t get your hopes up.
To be perfectly honest, none of these schools are really realistic reach options for you, but I agree with the assessment that Boston College and Brandeis are more realistic for you than Tufts and Harvard.
Tufts has a 16% acceptance rate, and the middle 50% of their SAT scores range from 1440 to 1550. Harvard’s middle 50% ranges from 1470 to 1600, with a 6% acceptance rate. If your SAT scores were in the 1300-range - still very unlikely - I’d say sure, toss your hat in the ring, why not? But with scores of 1100…you’re not even close to the range of possibility. It is very, very unlikely that you’d be admitted. If you are only adding one more reach school to your list, IMO you might as well add a reach school where you actually have kind of a shot.
Boston College has a 29% acceptance rate and their middle 50% SAT scores range from 1920 to 2160 on the old three-part SAT (which is somewhere from low 1300s to mid 1500s on the new SAT), and 81% were in the top tenth of their high school class. Brandeis has a 34% acceptance rate and their middle 50% SAT scores ranged from 1280 to 1410. 40% of Brandeis’s accepted class had GPAs below a 3.75. These two are still high reaches for you, but they are far more realistic than Harvard or Tufts.
Realistically speaking, Brandeis is probably your best-shot reach. But Brandeis is also a lot smaller than the other schools you’ve selected (and Boston University, which you say that you like).