Hi guys,
I’m planning to major in business. I’m deciding between BU’s Questrom School of Business and Baruch because Boston U is 17k+7k loans, so I needa pay 24k, but Baruch is only 5k. I am worried that if I go to Baruch, I won’t get a job easily when I graduate, but if I pick Boston U, I’m scared I will be in debt for many years. I don’t know if going to Boston U is worth the price.
My parents said they are fine paying the price for BU, but I am really worried that I will be in huge debt after I graduate (since my parents only make 30 something K a year)
can someone please give me some advice? (whether it be if you regret going to Baruch or Boston U)
Why would you struggle getting a job post grad if you choose Baruch? They are known for their strong business school throughout NYC and NYC is really the best place to be if you want to work in business.
Cuz I’m scared businesses would hire students from more prestigious schools. 
Maybe I’m missing something here, but can your parents really afford to pay 17K per year on a $30K+ income? With a parental income of $30K, wouldn’t you qualify for both Pell+TAP if you attend Baruch College, making your net tuition/Fees less than $5K/yr?
Baruch College is a well respected business school and their graduates well recruited, even outside of the tri-state area. It is the largest business school in the US and their students are competitive when it comes to internship at some of the leading financial institutions in NYC. Maybe you should contact their career center to get a feel for where their graduates are placed after graduation.
Baruch’s problem is administrative red tape and lack of a communiy (it’s basically all commuter).
Job placement and professional outcome is NOT one of those problems.
Did you get Scholars at Baruch?
Do have the money to pay for Boston College without loans? If not why force yourself to pay? Is the pressure of marketing from Boston University going to impact you into going into debt? Anyway, Baruch College is a great school for business majors, especially Baruch College’s accounting and finance programs. Baruch College is near Wall Street, the internship opportunities are practically screaming at you, but in the end its up to you to take advantage of what is available for you. College don’t make up your future, you do!
@TheSphere @MYOS1634 @Jamrock411 Thank you for your advice everyone! I didn’t scholars at Baruch because they sent me the acceptance email after the application was due already. I have one more concern. Would Binghamton’s School of Management or Baruch be better for business? (I need to pay 13k for Bing, which is affordable for my family_
I’d go with Bing SoM if your family can pay. Better experience overall (unless you don’t mind the commuter nature of Baruch but it means no club and no campus life… It’s so difficult for students to get any ec done due to being away or In class or at work they have ONE time period on Thursday’s when they don’t have class just so students who wish can join one club.) Baruch is great for professional outcomes but it’s not the traditional college experience. Bing would be and direct admit to the SoM is quite good.
@MYOS1634 Do you think I would get a better education and opportunities at Bing? Or do you think the teachers/faculty are around the same at both schools? Sorry Im askin so many qs 
The professors are less likely to be adjuncts at Binghamton. But in both cases you’ll have to do due diligence and check the Rate my professor ratings (always use a grain of salt as there are lots of sour grapes on these sites, but look for common points between reviews.)
Bing will have excellent students and you’ll have a better campus experience.
@MYOS1634 thank you so much for your help!
I think Boston is 100x better
Omg don’t go here. Go to Baruch! BU is 17k + 7k with loans, and Baruch is 5k.
Baruch is in NYC! Thus the chances of the companies recruiting at your school will be much higher than recruiting at BU. Questrom isn’t that great or highly ranked. The people are definitely intensive and serious, but I think you’d have better networking and job placement at Baruch.