Boston university Film Department?

Hi! I am an international student and recently got accepted into Boston University’s Film and Television (BS) in the School of Communication. However something that has not yet been cleared is on the website or any other forum on the internet is the fact that students accepted under this will not actually be studying film until later on. My admission letter also only states that I have been accepted into the School of Communication and there is no mention of my major.

Could someone familiar with this please tell me if this rumour is true and that students (like me) do not directly get into the Film major and if so, how long do we have to wait before we are allowed to declare?

This is not true. My friend is a film and television major and he’s already studying film as a freshman.

If you applied to COM for film/TV and were accepted, you’re been accepted into COM for film/TV. I was “registered” with my COM department as a freshman and took classes in my major that year–I was a journalism major. I also worked in the Film/TV department.

While BU follows the liberal arts education model, where students don’t really “dig into” their major until junior year, you will be taking film/TV courses as a freshman in COM. You’ll take COM 101 and one film course (I think an intro course–it’s been a while since I was there), then you’ll have the opportunity sophomore year to take at least two more film courses (I believe this is when you take Production I), and junior year the majority of your courses will be in your major.