Boston University vs WPI vs Pitt vs UMass Amherst for pre-med

My D23 has been admitted to Boston University, WPI, Pitt, UMass Amherst all for her preferred major biomedical engineering or into engineering school. Cost is roughly the same. Pitt is further distance. She has not yet decided but it is important to her to choose the best option to help her prepare for and apply and have best chance at med school. Which would you pick?

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I’d let her decide since they’re all the same cost. Pitt may be further away, but there’s an airport and train station in the city.

Students do the best where they are happiest.

Pitt does have a nice pre-med set-up with half a dozen hospitals right around campus making it easy to volunteer and shadow and they know what they are doing with guidance, etc. It’s a common destination for pre-meds who like an urban environment.

That said, I still see no reason at all that she can’t decide for herself. Have you been able to visit the schools? If not, can you work visits in to her top contenders?


My standard answer to this is “What school would she go to if pre med wasn’t a consideration?”.


Connect with the premed advising at all of the choices. Ask admissions to connect you to some of the students who intend to enroll in medical school. I’d ask them about their experiences in the core classes - biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and physics. Ask about how the school support students for opportunities for shadowing/clinical experience and research. The schools should be able to provide you with at least some data as well - about med school acceptance rates, etc. good luck to her!


I should have said that she is undecided on which school. She does not have a clear preference. She has done admitted students days at Pitt, UMass like them both for different reasons and will see BU next. She is concerned that BU will be too rigorous.

Pre-med coursework will be rigorous at any college.


For med school admission, the more influential criteria is often harshness of grading, rather than degree of rigor. If you search this forum, Reddit, Quora, … you’ll quickly find that BU has a reputation for harsh grading and/or grade deflation.


I have read that. Forgive me if I am asking a question that doesn’t make sense. The point there is that it can be better to go to a less harshly graded school like UMass rather than a grade deflation school like BU? I honestly just want her to go where she is happy but I don’t want to steer her wrong either. Thanks for the help!

WPI is very different from the rest of the schools. Unless your student really likes WPI (in which case go there), eliminate it.


I hope she will go visit WPI as well. Their quarter system and project based learning can be great for pre-med. There are some cool projects abroad they offer that can tie into healthcare related interests.

All great choices!


If the only thing you care about is med school admission, then it’s often advantageous to go to a school where you are likely to achieve a higher GPA. However, I expect there will be numerous other important considerations in the decision besides just having the highest possible chance of med school admission. It should be your daughter’s decision.

Is distance a concern?

Most kids don’t get to med school and she’s going to be there four years - so it’s important she choose the best school for her.

BU - big, urban. WPI - mid size. Pitt - mid/large urban - but not BU urban. UMASS - big flagship - not in a major city area.

Which is best for her?

Good luck.

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A great choice of schools. My D23 is also trying to choose between BU and UMass Amherst. Besides grade deflation, I think there is a real gap here in the quality of education in general. Still a tough choice but questioning whether UMass the kids would not be challenged enough.

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Why would you question that? My daughter goes to a 2nd level, party school - College of Charleston. She is very challenged. My son - same at Alabama.

It depends in part on the kid and the major.

Some will coast - but I’d say that’s more major specific than the kid.

I’m sure they can find rigor at UMASS or BU - and at both can find majors that are less challenging.

I don’t think one can take size and reputation and assume is all I"m saying.

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If she likes Pitt I would start there. Top 25 feeder schools. Always in top 10 for NIH/CDC funding. Tons of medical opportunities on-campus.


I do understand the majors reputation vary from school to school. Not referencing the party school reputation - I am simply looking at faculty and student make-up. That influences what happens in the classroom. They are both very fine schools but it’s not apples to apples.

If asked what are four large New England university on nearly equal footing overall, BU and UMass Amherst would for sure be among them.
Both these schools have placed so many into medical school.

I’d agree BU has an edge in Biomed Engineering, they are world class in that space. The Med school right on the campus as well. The university is basically a mile long stretch of Commonwealth Avenue. This is certainly not for everyone but some love the urban vibe.

UMass has the quintessential college campus and college town in a beautiful part of the state. They also have a campus in Newton, just outside Boston, for internships in and around the city. Many say Umass also has a great vibe, just more that it is it’s own city.

I’d say the Engineering students at UMass will be among the brightest and they should compete with those at BU, who are also very much top students.

If price is the same and location is not significant I’d give BU the edge. But both are “can’t go wrong” options. Best of luck, a very exciting time!

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