Hey! next year i’ll be taking the following
AP Calc BC
AP Comp sci
Ap lit
AP gov
AP spanish
AP Physics C (school makes u take both of em together as a double period class)
My school makes you take high school physics before u can go to either physics B or C. yes we have physics B, we just merge physics 1 and 2 together. however that HS physics class isnt available in honors so i only had regular physics. Is this good enough to go to ap physics c. do i need physics B? most student in physics c do physics, AP physics b, then AP physics C. I took the physics class but then went to ap chem and after ap chem I wanna go to physics c ap. should i do this or go to physics B? Will mah physics knowlege be enough. physics is the only pre req for physics c in my skewl. also for the math in physics c, do u need ap calc bc. what if someone had regular calculus or ap calc ab?
Please reply when i get a chance.
srry the grammer and stuff is bad. In a rush.
No. On a sidenote, there is no Physics B; AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2 is not simply AP Physics B split in two and if your school is teaching it that way, they are doing a disservice to the students. AP Physics 1 and 2 is more conceptual and if the teachers are using “plug and chug” mathematics, than the 63% failure rate on the AP exam last year should come as no surprise to them. End of rant. 
Lol yea. my schools loco LOL like they say that for ap physics c, its double period because its both of the physics c classes together, yet they feel the need to make ap bio double period.they even make aphug a senior only class!
Anyway thanks for the feedback. so by regular physics i wont need to do any extra studying or anything right? i can just focus on the class?
BTW, at many schools AP Physics C/bio/chem are double periods, at least on some days, in order to do the labs, so your situation is not that unique. Good luck.
Can you reply to this thread for me. Im sorry its just time is running out for me to fix my schedule. It would be really helpful and no one has replied to it yet: