Bowdoin Class of 2027 Official Thread

Sorry to hear that. It’s been a tougher year than any of us even imagined. DD also rejected by Williams, waitlisted at Amherst, and have two more NESCACs tomorrow to hear from and feel the results will be same.

4.0 UW
Etc etc
Happy to have some offers in hand at some EA schools


S23 hears from Middlebury and Holy Cross tomorrow. He does have a nice offer from UMass in hand-- big merit + Honors College. But this is pretty disheartening. Good luck to your D!

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S23 rejected. I think that so few people are accepted to Bowdoin makes it a bit easier. Congratulations to everyone accepted!


Rejected. 9 APs (all 5s), four languages (three of them native - spoken at home), 35 ACT, captain of softball team. I can go on. Tough year for everyone.

D accepted.
Had rejections and waitlists earlier in the week from schools that were matches. This process is hard - sorry for those who didn’t get what they were hoping for tonight and hoping the next week brings you better news.


S23 accepted - after being deferred ED1!
UW GPA 3.8
SAT 1490
Spiked ECs in environmental biology, writing & trombone

So relieved - he was rejected from Williams & Pomona, waitlisted by Colby, accepted to SUNY Stony Brook & Binghamton, tho’ Bowdoin was his top choice.

Brutal year for college applications.
My heart goes out to all of these teens and young adults!


congratulations!!! where from?

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Daughter was accepted. She went test optional. She has all As. Her school doesn’t have APs, class rank or GPAs, but she took all honors. She has great EC, Community service, and lots of leadership.


Port Jefferson NY
Forgot to mention that he submitted music porfolio and contacted several music professors requesting feedback on his music resume prior to applying ED. Still deferred ED so happy with RD outcome. No one from his HS has ever attended Bowdoin.


Waitlisted. 1560 SAT, 4.0, lots of ECs with leadership, year-long internship, job for 2 years, music and theater, etc. etc. This was our 4th waitlist for the day; also waitlisted as Williams, Amherst, and Pomona plus Skidmore earlier in the week. Not a fun cycle at all.

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waitlisted at skidmore??? insanity.

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I hear you! S23 got 6 WL/rejections in 3 days. One more acceptance though, so now he has two in hand with four more to hear from. This year is painful, not just for us, but more nearly everyone my kids know-- all super high stat kids with great ECs.

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Looks like Bowdoin applications hit an all time record high this year, up 16% over last year. Since the target enrollment is about the same (~500) and the yield averages ~60% in recent years, that’s likely to translate to a 7.x% acceptance rate. That’s about half what it was just 7-8 years ago.

Those were were waitlisted or denied are in absolutely amazing company. It’s heartbreaking how scarce the slots are for these schools and how many super qualified candidates who have worked ridiculously hard and accomplished so much are being disappointed.


Only kids that got in by us had much lower stats and were full pay. Yield protection and needing those full pay kids obviously.

My full pay kid was WL (high stats). But they are supposedly need blind.

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Yes my S23 was accepted with significant financial need and a strong list of credentials.

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I believe @krbmorris was replying to a comment about WL for Skidmore above when referencing full pay and yield protection. At least that is what the comment that was linked to the reply was talking about.


Yes, I was referring to Skidmore.