Bowdoin/Columbia Law program

<p>I’ve heard that there’s some kind of an accelerated program where you stay at bowdoin for 3 years and then after that you’re automatically accepted at columbia where you can get your JD in 3 years. Is this true? Can anyone give me some more info if it is?</p>

<p>well, it seems like a perfect fit for me since im planning to get an LLM at columbia and focus on international law and this program would save me 2 years and a whole lotta money.</p>

<p>anyway, thanks for information!</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>4+3 =7, so you'd be saving a year, not two.</p>

<p>I heard that this program was super selective and rigorous...I was told only one, current student is trying to complete this program.</p>

<p>I think it's a 3+3 program, so you only spend 3 years in Brunswick, not 4 as usual.</p>

<p>yea i read on a website that the school's dean chooses ONE OR TWO... haha won't be me...well, it was a good try. thanks for the info guys!</p>

<p>Yeah, you can do that program at a bunch of good colleges-- and yeah, it's really hard to get into. I think it would be more fun to stay in college four years anyway.</p>

<p>I am currently applying for Class of 2013 and I wanted more info on the Columbia program with Bowdoin for Law…One of the reasons for applying to Bowdoin was b/c of its relations with many top schools such as Columbia and Harvard. </p>

<p>Although I am not submitting my SAT scores-which shouldn’t matter anyways b/c the school has been test optional for a long time-my stats will aid my in the admission pool. </p>

<p>I am Indian-born in the US-lived in CO now in the East coast at an elite boarding school…I will be applying for Fin Aid; I am president of 3 clubs including co-founding the Sustainability Committee which is going in full force. I love art, so I submitted a portfolio; My GPA unweighted is a 3.5…I am the only one in my school to be applying ED II, the other students are Regular Admission…do you guys think I have a chance??</p>

<p>Take the SATs again. Bowdoin will actually care.</p>

<p>what do you mean MR BOSTON?? they will only care if one submits their score to Bowdoin…since the College is a test-optional school since 1969</p>

<p>boardingkid- The 3-3 program is actually what drew me to Bowdoin in the first place. I’m obsessed with law. When I visited, i asked around about the program ( I even asked the president of the school) and I got the same answer from every person I talked to. They all said that columbia recognizes Bowdoin as such an amazing education that students are prepared for the rigours of law school by the end of thier third year. Also, that you are at NO advantage coming from Bowdoin in terms of the applicant pool for columbia law. So you still have to have amazing LSATS and be awesome (which I’m sure all Bowdoin students are). If you get in, which i think you will, i believe i chanced you, let’s talk. I’m still interested in that program, despite what all the people said.</p>

<p>don’t listen to MRBOSTON13…he/she has just been ■■■■■■■■ around here trying to annoying people</p>

<p>Hey Isabella,
The program is really great and I was drawn to Bowdoin partly because of it. You need to maintain as close to a 3.95 as possible. You also need to score well on your LSAT’s and because Columbia only trusts Bowdoin you will not be able to study abroad because Columbia requires 5 semesters of Bowdoin grades and the you apply in the 6th semester if Bowdoin chooses you. Even then it isn’t guaranteed though because Columbia has to decide to invite you to apply. If they don’t then you might have missed out on some great opportuinities and if they do then you will finish faster.</p>

<p>President Mills think its great if you are 100% sure but that it rushes growing up, according to another junior’s conversation with him. That said, it’s a great opportunity and I know someone currently trying to do it. I seriously considered it up until Thanksgiving where I used BCAN(Bowdoin Career Advising Network) Alumni contacts. I feel like I love Bowdoin so much and I have so much to accomplish here that I may not even finish in four years so why rush it. I have my whole life to work and the amazing opportunities and bonds made in senior year might help to make you a more competitive applicant for law school anyways. Also a senior last year got into Columbia Law School with a 3.4 from Bowdoin. I’m not saying that this is the norm but there will be other opportunities to get into Columbia. However you need to make your own decision and you have a long time to plan it when you arrive on campus. Who knows, I may change my mind as time goes on!</p>

<p>i’d recommend doing 4 years at bowdoin, doing well and doing neat, unusual things and maybe getting into a better law school than columbia. you can always get into columbia after 4 years of college. it is a bit of a rushed program. and i don’t think people should rush into law.</p>

<p>pb2002…it doesn’t get much better than Columbia law.
Only Harvard and Stanford are ranked higher</p>

<p>and yale. i’m fully aware of the law school rankings. but in the world of law, going to HYS has benefits that students ought to consider before enrolling in the bowdoin-columbia program. the legal world cares immensely about where a person goes to law school. and you’re right, columbia is near the top, but why put a ceiling on your achievement if it’s possible to get into columbia independent of the program? i think the reason so few students do it, has more to do with the speed of the program than with the desire to go to columbia law. bowdoin students should also know full ride scholarships exist for bowdoin students at harvard law, which seems like a worthier goal.</p>

<p>If you take the LSAT in like your 3rd year at Bowdoin and you do super well on it. Couldn’t you just decide then whether or not you wanted to just apply normal to other law schools or do the columbia thing?
or do you have to commit to this program early on?</p>

<p>I don’t think there is a commitment involved.</p>