Bowdoin's transfer process

<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>I just want to know how simple or difficult is it to transfer to Bowdoin from a community college with a 4.0 GPA?</p>

<p>I think you have quite a strong chance. I’m applying as a transfer student myself but from abroad. Due to Bowdoin’s high retention rate they only accept a limited amount of transfer students. I know Bates accepts only 10-15 per year, and I think Bowdoin’s statistics are quite similar.</p>

<p>A 1st place Top LAC like Amherst reserves 30 seats, which is quite strange.</p>

<p>Bowdoin is incredibly hard to get into as a transfer…they generally only accept 2-3 per year (you can find the data under the common data set on the [Home</a> (Bowdoin)](<a href=“]Home”>Institutional Research, Analytics, and Consulting | Bowdoin College) site). Not saying you won’t, a 4.0 GPA is stellar, just want you to have all the info.</p>

<p>Bowdoin has a set number of students per class. They only allow as many transfers in as they have transfers out and they won’t give you as many credits as other students. One real advantage to transferring in to Bowdoin is that you have to attend the freshmen orientation week and you get to know people pretty well. They like to treat all transfers as freshmen and put them in the “Face Book” which is a year book of all first year students and transfers. They are given the same nurture and attention as first-year students.</p>

<p>BowdoinGirl is cute name ^^</p>