<p>Just wondering if anyone goes there or what people have heard about that school please let me know.</p>
<p>i plan on transfering to it after this semsester at my local community college, i got a 2.4 last semester with 6 classes but got a D in math does that matter and can i still transfer that? they said i need a average of a 2.5 gpa since ill have under the required credit hours. if they see i did bad in math can i just take it there?</p>
<p>also does anyone know what their sports managment program is like, i heard its really good but what internships do they do for ice hockey?</p>
<p>if you go there please send me a message and let me know how it is there and if its hard for a out of state transfer student to get in. thank you.</p>
<p>yea true their SM program is really good but i only need a 2.5 to get in i should atleast get a 3.0 or higher this semester, i hope i can get in</p>
<p>alright thxs, and also should i minor in something else so i have something to fall back on? are all u just majoring in something or do u have a minor?</p>