I’m getting my braces off (hopefully) sometime this year and I wanted to know if anyone had experience with braces at boarding school. Were you able to go to your appointments? If so, how often were you at the dentist? Haha, I just really don’t want to have them longer than I’m supposed to.
I just went to the orthodontist today, and it looks like I’ll be ready to get braces on soon. I’ll have to come home every 6 or so weeks, but looking at the calendar, it seems doable.
This was a thread on both the BS parents forum and the college parents forum recently. In both cases the kids needed braces, and the question was do you get them at home or at school.
Anyway, in my case, I got them at home. I had them on for about a year before I went to BS, so the adjustments were not as frequent as they were in the beginning. My appointments were made for when I was home over breaks, so every 10 weeks or so. I did have an emergency orthodontist at school that was recommended by the school’s health center, which I used once to have a broken bracket repaired.
I don’t think the treatment was appreciably longer, maybe a month or two, but I got through it.
Thank you @skieurope
I just don’t want closed weekends in the way of my appointments because I go every 4 or 5 weeks @stargirl3
They will; you’ll learn to adapt.