Brazilian Student looking forward to transfer

I am a sophomore at UnB in Brasilia looking forward to transfer to good universities in U.S. Some of the colleges on my list are UC Berkeley, Georgetown, Penn State, Swarthmore College. I want to study economics there. Can someone please suggest me what the score for Toefl/SAT will I need to qualify for colleges like them?

Can I get more information for Brazilian Students who wants to transfer to US universities?

Thank you

The information you need is on each school’s website.

Please realize that there is very little financial aid for transfer students (count on paying as much as $55,000 per year, with the costs rising every year) and that many transfer students lose credits when they switch universities. Which means you may have to pay for more than 2 years to finish your degree.

Thanks. But are there any chances that I can qualify for scholarships based on test scores?

The odds are very, very small. It’s hard to find scholarship money if you’re an international student, and most of what’s given is to freshmen.

A vast majority of public schools – such as Berkeley and Penn State – don’t offer FA to international or out-of-state students; that money is reserved for residents of their state. One of the few public universities that gives scholarships to international students based on test scores is the University of Alabama – but you will have to see if they offer it to transfers.

Otherwise, if you need scholarships, look at private schools. But know that it will be very, very difficult.

@ Katliamom, Thanks a lot for information. I want to apply as freshman but I have already completed around 40 credits here at University of Brasilia and I read that I am no longer eligible to apply as freshman.

So, applying as a transfer is the ONLY remaining options. I want to study ECONOMICS, so should I just apply to private institutions since public institutions don’t provide scholarships for international transfer students?

Please suggest! Thanks

It is true that your only option is to apply as a transfer student.

And yes, focusing on private schools is your best strategy - although most of them aren’t very generous for transfer students either.

Thank you very much. One more question, do Ivy schools offer scholarships to international transfer too? I know its very competitive to get into those schools but I do want to try my luck to them.

You will need to check each school’s website. I know Yale does. And indeed it is very competitive. From its website:

“Yale receives more than 1,000 transfer applications each year, and we have spaces for only 20 to 30 students.”

You never told us how much you can affordper year.