Breakfast options for 8AM classes?

<p>With a freshman at presidential and an 8AM MWF class, what is some good advice to offer our son? It is our understanding that Lakeside does not serve breakfast and Fresh Foods (even further) does not start serving until 730? What are viable options (besides avoiding an 8AM class next semester?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>While he may not have time to get over to Publix this week with classes starting, he should load up on quick, but healthy, breakfast food this weekend. Poptarts, pancakes, yogurt, bananas, oranges, apples, peanut butter and raisin bread. He can make a PB on raisin bread sandwich the night before to eat with a piece of fruit as he walks to his class. </p>

<p>I don’t know if Lakeside still has the convenience store, but maybe sometime this week he can go over there and use his ACT card to get something for breakfast to keep in the room for the next couple of days.</p>

<p>As for 8 AM class, sometimes, you can’t avoid them. Son is in his third year, and he has always had 8 AM class, sometimes five days a week.</p>

<p>doesn’t he have a kitchenette?</p>

<p>yogurt, cereal, frozen breakfast sandwich. then grab real breakfast after class.</p>

<p>can he grab a togo box of breakfast things to take to the room?</p>

<p>Fresh Foods shows an opening time of 7am for b’fast. I hope that is correct so D can grab something quick before lab on Tuesdays at 8.</p>

Unless your son is an early riser, he probably won’t allow himself enough time to go to a Dining Hall and eat before his first class. That’s just the way it is with most frosh. When they have that early of a class, kids tend to “time” their wake-up with just enough time to shower, dress, maybe grab a bit in their dorm and run out to class.</p>

<p>Does he have any breaks AFTER the 8 am class? if so, that’s when he may have time for breakfast or early lunch.</p>

<p>Fresh Foods opens at 7 am. </p>

<p>Where is his first class?</p>

<p>Sometimes brunch is a better option. Personally, I prefer to have a glass of fruit juice (not offered in the dining halls) or milk and maybe a slice of bread before I go to work or class. I’m not a huge fan of breakfast foods anyway (bacon is an all-day food) and prefer to save room for lunch, dinner, and a late night meal. </p>

<p>One thing parents and many incoming college students tend to forget is that many students operate on non-traditional schedules. For example, I tend to have a swing or graveyard shift schedule. Waking up at 7 or 8 in the morning and going out to breakfast is not usually on the agenda.</p>

<p>Your son will figure out a schedule that works for him which may or may not include breakfast before his 8:00 am class.</p>

<p>My younger son has his first early class this year. He’s not going to get breakfast before class. I brought him some of the Costco Energy Bars and he’ll grab a few of those while running out the door.</p>

<p>I wish there was a Costco in T-town. I don’t know where else to get those bars. They come in a round flat clear container (like the harder plastic cookie containers), and they’re filled with these energy bars…I think they’re called Sunrise Energy Bars, but I could be wrong. They’re a soft granola kind of bar.</p>

<p>ooh…I may be able to order them and have them delivered…</p>

<p>[Costco</a> Business Delivery - Sunrise Whole Grain Energy Bars 32 oz](<a href=“]Costco”></p>

<p>ack! the delivery charge is crazy.</p>

<p>My daughter really enjoyed going to breakfast with classmates AFTER her 8 a.m. classes last year – it seems that nobody ate before hand and everyone was hungry – and since all freshman were on the meal plan, Burke was an easy place to go – this is one of the ways that she developed several of her closer friendships.</p>