Bright Future's and the GED?

Hey there!

I’m a home-schooled graduate and Florida resident. I didn’t get informed that Bright Future’s existed for home-schooled students until it was too late, dead-line wise. (I’m a first generation student and my father’s sort of clueless about the college process. So am I - but we’re slowly figuring this all out.)

My county doesn’t offer a diploma, so I was wondering: if I got my GED and applied to Bright Future’s as a GED student, would that be allowed? I have no GPA - I didn’t do Florida Virtual School, nor dual enrollment. Is the deadline too late for me?

Since I have no transcript, would that disqualify me? Does it disqualify me that I was a registered home-schooled student? I can’t even afford community college, so Bright Future’s is probably my best chance. If anyone has any tips, I’d appreciate it so much. Thank you!

I don’t think you’d be eligible. You must apply for BF before you graduate. You must start to use BF within 2 years of graduation. Bright Futures is VERY strict about deadlines.

If you don’t have high school diploma, you could register for high school (how old are you?). You can see what credits they’d allow for your homeschooling and take the missing ones either by a brick and mortar school or Florida Virtual. If you were homeschooled, your parent would have to create a transcript for you. However, you MUST apply for BF before you graduate.