I contacted the office to verify. Students entering Oxford can only bring 12 credit hours total from AP/IB, but students entering the Main campus can bring 24. They said this is because the main campus is 4 yrs while Oxford is 2 yrs. Don’t they both end up with the same 4 yr degree though? I don’t really understand this discrepancy.
@shoboemom : This just is indicative of the different goals of each institution. If you grant 24 at Oxford, you basically allow students to exempt a whole year, which does not really make sense if Oxford intends to give students an experience “unique” from main campus (because the student will only end up at Oxford for a year, they may get enough to continue on to main sophomore year), whereas, there is not much to lose if you let someone from main campus have 24 because they will still have to be there at least for another 2 years (the scenario where they graduate early) if they are a single major. The point is…both parts of the institution want students to stay for a reasonable (most) amount of time with respect to “normal” time to complete a degree.