British Student Ivy League Undergrad Chances

<p>Hey there,</p>

<p>I'm British and currently in Year 11 (basically 11th grade now), and I am going to be applying to a number of (admittedly very hard to get in to) American schools (HYP, Stanford, Columbia, Penn and Duke).</p>

<p>I haven't sat the SATs yet but I am aiming for 2250+. I am quite concerned about extracurriculars though. What would you guys say are my areas of weakness and my overall chances with these?:</p>

<p>Multiple MUN conferences (awards at most, will be part of the organisational committee for our schools own conference + chairing etc.)</p>

<p>Debate Club (no competitions though, and our school doesn't really have a 'captain' or 'president' etc.)</p>

<p>Community service for 4 years in elderly people's homes, disabled people's homes etc.</p>

<p>Amnesty International Club (Head of Fundraising)</p>

<p>On school's charity committee (raises over $45k a year for charities in Africa)</p>

<p>On the school committee that basically throws a giant party for around 150 elderly people every year (looking to become president of that)</p>

<p>Multiple awards in school for outstanding extracurricular involvement</p>

<p>Duke of Edinburgh Bronze (sort of like Scouts although more to do with all rounded community service, expeditions, skills etc.)</p>

<p>Working towards Level 4 acoustic guitar (but by the time I apply I'll be at Level 6)</p>

<p>President of one of our school's religious committees (involves giving an assembly to 120+ students every week)</p>

<p>Silver in Maths Olympiad </p>

<p>Few internships at very big oil firms (multinational, revenues in the hundreds of billions)</p>

<p>Hoping to be a prefect and/or vice captain of my school house (kinda like Gryffindor in the HP films lol)</p>

<p>My 'themes' seem to be public speaking and community service with a few leadership roles. I am quite a 'people person' so interviews should go decently I hope. NB. My school is ultra competitive so coming across leadership roles is very difficult :/ I am thinking SCEA with one of HYP or Stanford (and I will need financial assistance, but luckily these places (bar Stanford) are need blind).</p>

<p>What else do you think I need and what are my chances? I was thinking more internships and maybe starting a club? Thanks so much you guys!</p>