I’m having a hard time deciding which college to go to and May 1 is just 2 days away! I have visited both Brooklyn and Hunter and I have liked Hunter more. I plan on being a Bio major, but I don’t know which school is right for me. Brooklyn’s commute is about 20 minutes away while Hunters commute is roughly an hour. I don’t mind the commute to Hunter since it takes me and an hour and a half to get to my high school. Even though the commute to Brooklyn is short, I am in love with the city and it sort of gives me a relief from getting out of brooklyn. (I pass Brooklyn every day on my way to and from school so I know exactly what it looks like). I visited Hunter this week and a girl who was a bio major who now is a chem major said that the school does everything in its power to make sure you have a low GPA. I really want to get into med school so I need my grades to be up there and not bring me down. I also want an environment where I can meet a lot of friends. How is the tutoring in these schools? Which school has the best professors. I’m leaning towards Hunter more because I like the atmosphere better and mainly because it is a new setting for me and I like change, but if the education is better at Brooklyn I guess in the long run I won’t be settling. PS. There may be a chance I may transfer to StonyBrook after freshman (it was my dream school and I really wanted to dorm) would it look bad to med schools to see that I transferred (if I do). Another bad thing is that I heard in April 2019 the L train will not be working due to construction. While there are other ways of getting there it will make my commute a little longer. PLEASE HELP ME !!
Can anyone help me??
I would recommend Brooklyn College over Hunter College. Hunter College is severely overcrowded and students have difficulty getting their STEM-related classes (example, Organic Chemistry, General Chemistry, Bio, etc.). As a pre-med, you should pick the school you are more likely to have the highest GPA. Additionally, if you running late for classes, living in Brooklyn (I think that is where you live) you can always take Uber to BC at minimal cost.
A family member, who did not get into medical school in her country of origin, went to Brooklyn College for 1-year to complete her nursing prerequisites. She eventually went to Downstate Nursing Program for 2-years and after 1-year of working post BSN, went on to Nurse Anesthesia School in New York. She is now a CRNA making over $200K/year. While at Brooklyn College, she was asked by her microbiology professor to do research in their lab (wife/husband team). So, getting valuable research opportunities might be a lot easier at BC than at HC.
If you are serious about med school, keeping your undergraduate cost low as possible (little or no loans), so transferring to SB should be be look at carefully (probably a lot more competitive GPA-wise). Dorming would be available after undergrad…
Seconding Brooklyn if you’re a premed.