Brother for UCLA, UC Berkeley, UCSB and UCSD

Hey, so I was wondering if you guys could chance my brother for UCLA, UCSB, UCSD and UC Berkeley Here are his stats:

Desired Major: Computer Science

SAT 1: 2250 (770CR 680W 800M) only sat for the test once
SAT 2: Math II 800 Physics 760 Biology 700
AP Courses: Sophomore: Computer Science: 5 Junior: BC Calculus: 5 AB Sub score: 5 Biology 5 Senior (In progress): Physics, Chemistry, Statistics, Psychology, Multivariable Calculus (Continuation of Calculus, college level course taken after hours first semester)
GPA: 3.88 UW 4.29 W
Rank: not provided

Extracurricular and Work Experience

Freshmen: Robotics Club

Summer after sophomore year: worked in the USC lab in a project collaboration between the Computer Science and the Biology Department that came up with a computer program to match chromosomes together, specific task was to come up with the code to program the system

Junior year-present: paid Computer Science internship with a cloud developer company in Palo Alto


State: CA
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: 1/4 Japanese, 1/2 Taiwanese, 1/4 White
School Type: public

Ucsd and Ucsb are definately within range. With ucla and cal, I’d say your brother has a good shot at getting in, but those schools are extremely selective.

Very good chance if he writes good essays. make sure his essays are strongly connected to one of his favorite extracurricular activities to show his passion. Good luck.

ucb - 40-50%
ucla - 60%-70%
others - 80%

UCSB: Match
UCSD: High Match
UCLA/UCB: Low Reach

Good chance at all the schools, but CS is very popular and extremely competitive, so very difficult to determine. Why isn’t USC on the list since he had the internship?


He did apply to USC as well as some other private universities. I just wanted to make this post about his chances with the UCs because I think that the UCs might place more emphasis on test scores vs ECs so I wanted to see if his scores were good enough for CS.