Hey, so I was wondering if you guys could chance my brother for UCLA, UCSB, UCSD and UC Berkeley Here are his stats:
Desired Major: Computer Science
SAT 1: 2250 (770CR 680W 800M) only sat for the test once
SAT 2: Math II 800 Physics 760 Biology 700
AP Courses: Sophomore: Computer Science: 5 Junior: BC Calculus: 5 AB Sub score: 5 Biology 5 Senior (In progress): Physics, Chemistry, Statistics, Psychology, Multivariable Calculus (Continuation of Calculus, college level course taken after hours first semester)
GPA: 3.88 UW 4.29 W
Rank: not provided
Extracurricular and Work Experience
Freshmen: Robotics Club
Summer after sophomore year: worked in the USC lab in a project collaboration between the Computer Science and the Biology Department that came up with a computer program to match chromosomes together, specific task was to come up with the code to program the system
Junior year-present: paid Computer Science internship with a cloud developer company in Palo Alto
State: CA
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: 1/4 Japanese, 1/2 Taiwanese, 1/4 White
School Type: public