Brown Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

no, I applied for Financial Aid and do not see anything on the site.

Did you do summer@brown by any chance?

I applied in 2020(?), but I didnā€™t actually do it

I see the same info for my daughter- she did do summer@brown so I wanted to see if it was related by any chance. What happens if you click on the testing link?

too scared to click it LOL

Hmmm. Did @sushi20020 do summer@brown?

Oh, that may explain things.

I did do summer at brown! But I didnā€™t see those links there a few days ago. Thatā€™s why I wanted to ask if anyone else had it.

I canā€™t login to the Summer@Brown portal btw tried separately :o, maybe itā€™s from when I applied back then though?

Does anyone else have it that didnā€™t do summer@brown?

My D22 participated in the Summer at Brown program in 2021 but did not apply for financial aid so Iā€™m assuming we would not have a financial aid portal to check for this information.

you should still be able to check because it is under the banner self service link on the brown portal

I was able to check despite not applying for financial aid, should be there!

I was wondering the same.

Iā€™m afraid to ask my kid what she sees. She will know Iā€™m hunting around, and I donā€™t want to stress her out! Also, sheā€™s not PLME or anything w/ Bio or Chem, so much of that list wouldnā€™t apply.

I think itā€™s only for Summer@Brown students

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Haha. I also keep it secret from my D. :grinning:


I sincerely wish you all patience, peace and good fortune when decisions are made public.

With that said Brown doesnā€™t ā€œtipā€ results. They are aware of the desire to ā€œcrack the codeā€ and as a result they go to great lengths to ensure no code to be cracked exists. I wish for all of you that there was a way to ease the anxiety.

Good luck once again!!


Agreed. Thatā€™s why I thought it could be related to summer@brown since my daughter already had an ID in their system. Whether it was linked to this portal, I donā€™t know, but Iā€™m going to assume it was and means nothingā€¦better for me that way. :blush:


Good luck to all the students and the parents on Thu! Iā€™ve got big meetings all day but I will be 100% distracted because I remember how anxious I was last year for my child despite us trying to get over ED deferral. It was a pretty cool moment when my kid sent me a screenshot of his acceptance. Iā€™m wishing that all of the kids are part of that 2-3.5% RD acceptance pool. Sending you all magical vibes!!


Did you take AP exams in these subjects by chance?