Im a first year and have recently been weighing my options for next years housing. One of my choices is conveniently located in the title of this thread. Ive heard a lot of things about Brown, both good and bad, but to be honest I dont personally know anyone who actually lives there. </p>
<p>However, I know that some of you are at Brown this very moment, so what I would like to know is: what is the real atmosphere at Brown like? Ive mentioned that Im thinking about applying to a few suitemates only to be thrown weird glances and hear comments like, Why would you want to do that? Brown is filled with the socially awkward misfits of UVA. Theyre weird. On the other hand, I myself think that the type of temperament that Browns (quite interesting) application draws could potentially be a neat crowd. Its impossible to tell from the outside.</p>
<p>So, for you Brownie insiders, what sort of experience is an introverted-in-large-crowds-but-sociable-in-small-groups guy with a dry sense of humor and a distaste for polos like to have at Monroe Hill?</p>
<p>I’m bumping this thread because I haven’t been here in AGES and apps for BC are due NOV 14.</p>
<p>the “introverted-in-large-crowds-but-sociable-in-small-groups guy with a dry sense of humor and a distaste for polos” statement makes me think you would probably fit in well here, but its important that you know that we all vary in our degrees of awkwardness and insanity. We also all vary in how much we actually are involved in the Brown community. Hazel and I tend to be involved in a lot, while others you wont even know live there.</p>
<p>Did you fill out an app? The rule of thumb is this: if you thought the app was interesting or funny or intriguing, you should probably apply. If you thought it was stupid, you probably wouldn’t be a fan.</p>
<p>i know apps were due on friday and I had a bunch of friends/residents apply. good luck I hope you get it, Brown is a pretty legit place no matter how quirky it can be! :P</p>