<p>Hi. Brown’s website says that it must receive the 2008 tax returns via the IDOC service. I submitted my CSS profile to Brown, but the school is not listed in the list of schools on my form to receive IDOC information. Is there something wrong with the way I am interpretting this information?</p>
<p>Just for clarification, I am saying that my IDOC requirements page says
Who requires my information?
Yada Yada University
Somewhere College
but does not list Brown.</p>
<p>I just want to update this incase someone else has this problem. I called the IDOC service, and they said that Brown specifically did not want this information from me. I know that I shouldn’t qualify for financial aid. So I think that they probably saw that on my fafsa and css profile and did not require the tax returns.</p>
<p>they did something similar for me. i’ve only sent in my css profile yet. they say they require the idoc, the fafsa, and the css profile but when i check my financial aid status, it says that they have all the materials they need. so i contacted them asking if that was really all they needed and they said yes.</p>
<p>Just checked my D’s Brown info. It says under IDOC packet: Status —Required.</p>
<p>Then it says to check message and here is what the message says:</p>
<p>IDOC Packet from CSS - You may be notified in February to send required documentation to the CollegeBoard. If you have successfully completed the CSS Profile and have not received a request to submit those documents by February 15th, please contact the Office of Financial Aid. </p>