Hi! I just applied to Summer@Brown, and I have a few questions! Please feel free to respond or ask other questions!
- I have a 3.9 Unweighted with A's and one B --> Do those stats give me a good chance?
- I am probably going to enroll in a 1-week course --> Will that be worth the money/time?
- If I am accepted, I will probably apply to a medical/biological sciences course --> If you have taken one of these before. please tell me your opinions about them! (I am happy to hear your opinions about other courses as well!)
- DORMS/DINING? Which dorms/dining areas (on and off campus) are the best?
- How often did you find yourself having nothing to do --> Are there a lot of activities throughout the day?
Thanks! I did get in and if I go I’m set on enrolling in “Hands-On Medicine: A week in the life of a Medical Student.” I don’t have the money to go for more than one week, but I live in PA as it shouldn’t be too much of a hassle to go up and back (driving distance). My friend who did the program a few years back said she stayed in an on-campus frat. Lol. Is a meal plan included in room and board fees? Thanks 
I don’t think you’ll have a problem getting in. I don’t think it’s very selective, though that might depend on the program. My son did the social entrepreneurship program and really liked it. He didn’t seem to have much free time. He was working on a project outside class. On the weekend/holiday he took trips with the other kids - one day in Boston, one day in Newport.
Yes!! A bunch of my friends stay on the frats. From what I saw, they were nicer than the building I stayed in. The frats have really nice lounge and basement spaces to play pool and watch movies. I believe the meal plan is included in the total