<p>[url=<a href=“Brown University Authentication for Web-Based Services”>http://today.brown.edu/articles/2009/01/kiplingers]Brown</a> ranks 12th on Kiplinger</p>
<p>Interesting… It’s not alltogether a terrible list. The ordering can be disputed, but I think it has selected an interesting collection of schools.</p>
<p>Perhaps my only surprise is that Rice is not higher (yes, for the money, I think it’s that good). I’d have to look more into their methodology to say anything more, but overall, it’s not super surprising to me based on the reputation most of these schools have for aid.</p>
<p>don’t harvard and princeton have the best financial aid programs in the nation?</p>
<p>^^ No; Harvard and Yale seem to have the best financial aid programs.</p>
<p>JASON did you just post a ranking???</p>
<p>RACHEL-- I’m trying to post less and just post various links. It doesn’t work.</p>
<p>tee hee</p>
<p>aloha, by the way!</p>