<p>I am planning to apply Brown summer school this year </p>
<p>i am just wondering if it will it help me in my applications to other schools? i am planning to take psychology!</p>
<p>is Brown summer school good for psychology? </p>
<p>thanks! </p>
<p>**oh and i am also planning to apply for cornell, which one do you think is a better option?
<p>I believe brown is stronger in the humanities. If brown’s your first choice school, go for it. In the end I don’t think a summer program helps that much. SATs, grades, ecs, essays, and recs are your best bet for any admission. Que sera, sera.</p>
<p>By the way, why only consider Brown and Cornell’s programs? I wonder…</p>
<p>@Antiflamer: because i dont really know other nice summer programs! :(… if you could suggest me any other programs, i’d be willing to know! Especially if they are strong in their psychology majors… thanks!</p>